I've been pouring over the new documentation for the Google Docs API for more efficient ways to synchronize my application's resources and I came upon the changes feed. So far, all the documentation leads me to believe that the changes feed applies to the entire documents list only without the ability to inquire about changes to a specific collection. My application doesn't care about any documents besides the ones belonging to the collections the user has specified. Does anyone know if querying a specific collection for a changes feed is possible? Thank you.


1 回答 1


这是不可能的,但是更改提要的性质是,通过存储最大的时间戳来获取最新的一些更改应该更便宜。获得更改提要后,您可以通过查看条目的 #parent 链接来过滤它们,如下所示:

<link rel='http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#parent'
      title='Some API Documentation' />
于 2012-04-09T12:53:08.130 回答