我试图从我的 as400 发送一封电子邮件,但没有成功!我正在将此代码用于 CLLE:

       ('address1@mail.it') +           
       ('address2@mail.it')) DSTD('TEST') +
LONGMSG('test mail...')

我收到一个错误,我用 WRKDIRE 修复了我添加用户的地方,实际上现在当我调用程序时,读入 dspjoblog:分发的发送已成功完成。但我在邮箱中没有收到任何东西

我认为 SMTP 配置没问题,但我收到此错误:

      Tipo    Tipo   ----Registrata----               -----Mittente-----  Num. 
Opz Funzione  voce   Data       Ora      Nome lav.    ID utente  Indir.   seq  
     *RTR    *ERR   10/04/12  13:04:15  QMSF         MARCO     MT        0013 

Funzione . . . . . . . . . . :   Instradamento distribuzione  
Lavoro . . . . . . . . . . . :   275842/QMSF/QMSF             
Data/ora . . . . . . . . . . :   10/04/12  13:04:15           

ID utente/Indirizzo  . . . :   MARCO     MT                 
Nome sistema/Gruppo. . . . :   S6518B7A                     
Numero di sequenza . . . . . :   0013                         
Data/ora di origine  . . . . :   10/04/12  13:04:15           
Agente destinazione  . . . . :   OfficeVision                 

Codice stato SNADS . . . . . :   0001 Errore instradamento    
Destinatario in errore:                                       
ID utente/Indirizzo  . . . :   INTERNET  GATEWAY            
Nome sistema/Gruppo  . . . :   INTERNET                     
Voce indirizzario sistema  :   Definito localmente          


Message. . . : Failed opening file IFS (Integrated File System)
on file/MMAIL/temp/Q6.txt
Cause. . . . . : The RTCP function requires the use of a file IFS (Integrated
   File System) / MMAIL/temp/Q6.txt. The error received by the call is 3025.
   This file does not exist in the system is blocked or damaged and can not
    be used at the time.
Correction. . . : Close MSF (Mail System Framework) "ENDMSF" and restart

我刚刚尝试重新启动作业但没有成功,并且始终在 QMSF 作业中出现此错误日志:

Message ID. . . . . : Severity CPFAF98. . . . . . . : 60
Message type. . . . : Informational
Submit Date. . . . . . : 13/04/12 Time sent. . . . . . : 12:44:02

Message. . . : The job has stopped processing 320083/QMSF/QMSF
  MSF message.
Cause. . . . . : The program exit point in the library QTMSFWD QTCP
  to the point of exit QIBM_QZMFMSF_MSG_FWD has detected a condition with
  6518B7A0909081414210000000008 the message ID. The message indicates that
  processing must be completed. The MSF message will be revised
  the next command execution STRMSF (Start Mail Server Framework)
Correction. . . : Determine because the program exit point has
  indicated the need to end processing of a message. in
  joblog may be listed messages that have caused
  incorrect program. Correct errors, and run the
ENDMSF command (closing mail server framework) to terminate

3 回答 3



于 2012-04-09T16:51:47.397 回答

You could start by looking at SNADS logs using DSPDSTLOG.

IBM support document "SNADS - Basic Troubleshooting Process" is very helpful in finding the source of error. Hope this helps...


于 2012-04-12T01:37:58.780 回答

尝试使用@Buck Calabro 的链接,还有其他几个。SMTP 可能未完全正确设置。

于 2012-04-10T13:16:33.370 回答