我应该如何在 parsekit 中使用回调函数?假设我有以下规则:

expr_s = expr_p '+' expr_s | expr_p ; 

我应该从生成的 PKAssembly 中弹出 3 个符号并添加第一个和最后一个数字,然后将答案推回堆栈吗?
我不明白 ParseKit 调用回调函数的顺序。我真的可以使用一些帮助。

感谢 Todd 的回复,请记住您的指示,我为一个简单的数学表达式编写了以下语法和回调函数,其中包括加法和乘法:

- (IBAction)press_equals:(id)sender {
NSString *g = @"@start = expr_s; expr_s = expr_p ('+'! expr_p)+ ; expr_p = Number ('*'!     Number)+  ;";
PKParser *p = [[PKParserFactory factory] parserFromGrammar:g assembler:self];
NSString *s = @"3*4+4*8";

[p parse:s];

PKAssembly *res = [p parse:s];
NSLog(@"res %@", res);


- (void)parser:(PKParser *)p didMatchExpr_s:(PKAssembly *)a {
NSLog(@"%s %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);

NSArray *toks = [a objectsAbove:nil];

double total = 0.0;
for (PKToken *tok in toks) {
    total += tok.floatValue;

a.target = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:total];
- (void)parser:(PKParser *)p didMatchExpr_p:(PKAssembly *)a {
NSLog(@"%s %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);

NSArray *toks = [a objectsAbove:nil];

double total = 1.0;
for (PKToken *tok in toks) {
    total *= tok.floatValue;
a.target = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:total];


2012-04-06 22:54:31.975 Calculator[1070:207] -[CalculatorViewController    parser:didMatchExpr_p:] [3, 4]3/*/4^+/4/*/8
2012-04-06 22:54:31.976 Calculator[1070:207] -[CalculatorViewController parser:didMatchExpr_p:] [4, 8]3/*/4/+/4/*/8^
2012-04-06 22:54:31.977 Calculator[1070:207] -[CalculatorViewController parser:didMatchExpr_s:] []3/*/4/+/4/*/8^
2012-04-06 22:54:31.977 Calculator[1070:207] -[CalculatorViewController parser:didMatchExpr_p:] [3, 4]3/*/4^+/4/*/8
2012-04-06 22:54:31.978 Calculator[1070:207] -[CalculatorViewController parser:didMatchExpr_p:] [4, 8]3/*/4/+/4/*/8^
2012-04-06 22:54:31.978 Calculator[1070:207] -[CalculatorViewController parser:didMatchExpr_s:] []3/*/4/+/4/*/8^
2012-04-06 22:54:31.979 Calculator[1070:207] res 0

为什么我的 res 为 0?


1 回答 1



首先,理解这些东西的最好方法是Steven Metsker 的书,ParseKit 就是基于该书。


第三,这是我对另一个关于意外回调的 PaseKit 问题的回答

第四,检查ParseKit测试目标中的TDArithmeticParser.m文件(包含在 ParseKit Xcode 项目中。此类具有实现您似乎正在寻找的相同类型的算术逻辑的回调。

同时签出arithmetic.grammar文件(也在 ParseKit 测试目标中)。这是一个如何在 ParseKit 语法中设计算术语法的示例。



@start         = expr;
expr           = term (plusTerm | minusTerm)*;
term           = factor (timesFactor | divFactor)*;
plusTerm       = '+'! term;
minusTerm      = '-'! term;
timesFactor    = '*'! factor;
divFactor      = '/'! factor;
factor         = Number;

!'+'告诉 ParseKit自动丢弃这个令牌之后。这使您在编写回调时更加方便。

请注意,如果您希望您的语法只有从左到右的运算符优先级(如计算器),则此语法将不起作用。如果您需要,请在 StackOverflow 上提出一个标记为 #ParseKit 的单独问题,我会及时回答。


- (void)parser:(PKParser *)p didMatchExpr:(PKAssembly *)a {
    NSLog(@"%s %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);

    NSNumber *n = [a pop];

    // the expr is complete, and its value is on the stack.
    // important! wrap things up by 
    // storing your work in `a.target`. not in an ivar.
    a.target = n;

- (void)parser:(PKParser *)p didMatchFactor:(PKAssembly *)a {
    NSLog(@"%s %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);

    // a number token was found. store its number value on the stack
    PKToken *tok = [a pop];
    [a push:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:tok.floatValue]];

- (void)parser:(PKParser *)p didMatchPlusTerm:(PKAssembly *)a {
    NSLog(@"%s %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);

    // a '+' expr was found. pop off the two operands and add them
    // store the result on the stack temporarily
    NSNumber *n2 = [a pop];
    NSNumber *n1 = [a pop];
    [a push:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[n1 doubleValue] + [n2 doubleValue]]];

- (void)parser:(PKParser *)p didMatchMinusTerm:(PKAssembly *)a {
    NSLog(@"%s %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);

    // a '-' expr was found. pop off the two operands and subtract them
    // store the result on the stack temporarily
    NSNumber *n2 = [a pop];
    NSNumber *n1 = [a pop];
    [a push:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[n1 doubleValue] - [n2 doubleValue]]];

- (void)parser:(PKParser *)p didMatchTimesFactor:(PKAssembly *)a {
    NSLog(@"%s %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);

    // a '*' expr was found. pop off the two operands and multiply them
    // store the result on the stack temporarily
    NSNumber *n2 = [a pop];
    NSNumber *n1 = [a pop];
    [a push:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[n1 doubleValue] * [n2 doubleValue]]];

- (void)parser:(PKParser *)p didMatchDivideFactor:(PKAssembly *)a {
    NSLog(@"%s %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);

    // a '/' expr was found. pop off the two operands and divide them
    // store the result on the stack temporarily
    NSNumber *n2 = [a pop];
    NSNumber *n1 = [a pop];
    [a push:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[n1 doubleValue] / [n2 doubleValue]]];


  1. 不用担心这些回调被调用了多少次。它们的调用次数可能比您预期的要多,或者调用的顺序看起来很奇怪。
  2. 不要将这些回调中完成的工作结果存储在 ivar 中。始终将您的工作存储在a参数的targetstack. 我通常将临时值存储在 上stack,并将最终结果存储在 上target,因为我发现这样最方便。但是你有灵活性。


NSString *g = .. // fetch grammar above
PKParser *p = [[PKParserFactory factory] parserFromGrammar:g assembler:self];
NSString *s = @"3*4+4*8";

PKAssembly *res = [p parse:s];
NSLog(@"res %@", res);


-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchFactor:] [3]3^*/4/+/4/*/8
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchFactor:] [3, 4]3/*/4^+/4/*/8
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchTimesFactor:] [3, 4]3/*/4^+/4/*/8
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchFactor:] [12, 4]3/*/4/+/4^*/8
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchFactor:] [12, 4, 8]3/*/4/+/4/*/8^
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchTimesFactor:] [12, 4, 8]3/*/4/+/4/*/8^
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchPlusTerm:] [12, 4]3/*/4/+/4^*/8
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchPlusTerm:] [12, 32]3/*/4/+/4/*/8^
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchExpr:] [3]3^*/4/+/4/*/8
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchExpr:] [12]3/*/4^+/4/*/8
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchExpr:] [16]3/*/4/+/4^*/8
-[DebugAppDelegate parser:didMatchExpr:] [44]3/*/4/+/4/*/8^
res 44


于 2012-04-06T16:30:40.293 回答