在 VB.NET 中比较类类型的等效语句是什么?
吗?这仅适用于引用类型,不适用于 int/etc。
If TypeOf "value" Is String Then
Console.WriteLine("'tis a string, m'lord!")
或者您想比较两个不同的变量实例?也适用于 ref 类型:
Dim one As Object = "not an object"
Dim two As Object = "also not an object, exactly"
Dim three as Object = 3D
If one.GetType.Equals( two.GetType ) Then WL("They are the same, man")
If one.GetType Is two.GetType then WL("Also the same")
If one.GetType IsNot three.GetType Then WL("but these aren't")
If three.GetType Is gettype(integer) then WL("is int")
如果您想查看某物是否是另一种类型的子类(并且在 .net 3.5 中):
If three.GetType.IsSubclassOf(gettype(Object)) then WL("it is")
If gettype(Object).IsAssignableFrom(three.GetType) Then WL("it is")
所有这些都在SnippetCompiler中编译,所以如果你没有它,那就去 DL。
TypeOf obj Is MyClass
与您的链接问题等效的 VB 几乎相同:
Dim result As Boolean = obj.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(otherObj.GetType())