我在 CSS 字体粗细中没有得到 100 到 900 的值。我看到 100 到 500 像常规尺寸,600 到 900 像粗体。只有两种字体粗细。尝试了 h1,font-size:60px 等。我有什么遗漏吗?


2 回答 2


As Rich said, depends on the font, but it's a really good question because it does impact how the font renders, especially @font-face fonts. If you get the number wrong, or just use 'bold' instead of the correct number, it can render the font as jaggy.

This is a good article on that: http://css-tricks.com/watch-your-font-weight/

Sorry not to be able to answer your question - I did search and can't find any sites listing available font-weights per font. Would be a handy resource! For now you could just try the various font selling sites like Fontspring, Google Web Fonts etc, or search for the font you're using and go to one of the sites where it's sold; hopefully that site will give its available font-weight sizes.

于 2012-04-06T14:10:23.137 回答

这取决于您使用的字体。有些字体没有其他字体那么多的权重。如果你有 Helvetica Neue,它是一个很好的测试工具——它有很多重量。

于 2012-04-06T14:02:52.370 回答