我成功地将我的私钥放在了 git 连接到 github 时找到它的地方。(像这样https://serverfault.com/questions/194567/how-to-i-tell-git-for-windows-where-to-find-my-private-rsa-key/198691#198691

但是当我尝试签署一个标签时,这个默认魔法似乎并不适用。精彩的git 社区书谈到了一个gpg-key-id.,但我用 puttygen 创建了我的密钥,并且似乎没有这样的 id。

那么,我如何告诉 git 一台 Windows 机器它应该使用的密钥位于 ~/.ssh/id_rsa ?



2 回答 2


To sign a tag you need a GPG/PGP ID and not a SSH id. The SSH id is used to encrypt the connection and identify yourself to the server.

The GPG works in general similar how ever there is a kind of "profile" linked to your public gpg key. To get started on with GPG on windows gpg3win is a good place to look. Also the Wikipedia entries on GPG and PGP are good places to get some insight regarding this topic.

于 2012-04-06T11:38:50.033 回答

我如何告诉 git 一台 Windows 机器它应该使用的密钥位于 ~/.ssh/id_rsa

您需要定义~, ie HOME(这不是 Windows 上默认定义的变量。HOMEPATH或者USERPROFILE是)。
参见例如“ Auth failed on Windows XP with git and tortoisegit ”,其中HOME定义为完整的非默认路径(即不是HOMEPATH

于 2012-04-06T11:51:18.713 回答