我需要计算 ICMPv6 校验和。我在 RFC 2460 中找到了正确的手册,并用 c# 编写了代码,粘贴在下面。在代码中,您可以看到我添加到校验和源 IP、数据包的目标 IP,而不是 ICMPv6 消息长度(邻居广告为 32 个字节),然后我添加下一个标头 ID,即 ICMPv6 的 58。然后是 FOR 循环,它将整个 ICMPv6 消息添加到校验和(我相信它以消息类型开头,例如 88 00 ... 用于邻居广告)。比我计算和补充校验和,但它是错误的。我正在尝试为真实嗅探的邻居广告计算此校验和,该校验和也在下方,但我无法获得相同的校验和。我的代码可能有什么问题?

static void Main(string[] args)

        ICaptureDevice device = new OfflineCaptureDevice("icmp.pcap");

        device.OnPacketArrival += new SharpPcap.PacketArrivalEventHandler(device_OnPacketArrival);


    private static void device_OnPacketArrival(object sender, SharpPcap.CaptureEventArgs e)
            //packet conversions
            var packet = PacketDotNet.Packet.ParsePacket(e.Packet);
            var ethernetPacket = ((PacketDotNet.EthernetPacket)packet);
            int dlzka_packetu = e.Packet.Data.Length;
            string eth = BitConverter.ToString(ethernetPacket.Bytes);

            //now its in string field format - one string item is one byte, e.g. FF
            string[] eth_final2 = eth.Split('-');
            foreach (string bytes in eth_final2) { Console.Write(bytes + " "); }

            //taking out source IP
            IPAddress src_ip = IPAddress.Parse(eth_final2[22]+eth_final2[23]+":"+eth_final2[24]+eth_final2[25]+":"+eth_final2[26]+eth_final2[27]+":"+eth_final2[28]+eth_final2[29]+":"+eth_final2[30]+eth_final2[31]+":"+eth_final2[32]+eth_final2[33]+":"+eth_final2[34]+eth_final2[35]+":"+eth_final2[36]+eth_final2[37]);

            //destination IP
            IPAddress dst_ip = IPAddress.Parse(eth_final2[38] + eth_final2[39] + ":" + eth_final2[40] + eth_final2[41] + ":" + eth_final2[42] + eth_final2[43] + ":" + eth_final2[44] + eth_final2[45] + ":" + eth_final2[46] + eth_final2[47] + ":" + eth_final2[48] + eth_final2[49] + ":" + eth_final2[50] + eth_final2[51] + ":" + eth_final2[52] + eth_final2[53]);

            int icmpv6_length = 32;
            int next_header = 58;

            string icmp_payload = "";

            //taking out ICMPv6 message
            for (int i = 54; i < 54 + 32; i++)
                if (i == 56 || i == 57) { icmp_payload += "00"; }
                else icmp_payload += eth_final2[i];

            byte[] icmp_bytes = GetStringToBytes(icmp_payload);

            //CALLING THE FUNCTION ICMPchecksum
            ushort sum = ICMPchecksum(src_ip.GetAddressBytes(), dst_ip.GetAddressBytes(), BitConverter.GetBytes(icmpv6_length), BitConverter.GetBytes(next_header), icmp_bytes);


        catch (Exception ex)


    static byte[] GetStringToBytes(string value)
        SoapHexBinary shb = SoapHexBinary.Parse(value);
        return shb.Value;

    static ushort ICMPchecksum(byte[] src_ip, byte[] dst_ip, byte[] length, byte[] next, byte[] payload)
        ushort checksum = 0;

        //length of byte fields
        Console.WriteLine("src_ip: "+src_ip.Length+" dst_ip: "+dst_ip.Length+" length: "+length.Length+" next_header: "+next.Length+" payload: "+payload.Length);

        //display all fields, which will be used for checksum calculation

        //ADDS SOURCE IPv6 address
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(src_ip, 0);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(src_ip, 2);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(src_ip, 4);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(src_ip, 6);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(src_ip, 8);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(src_ip, 10);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(src_ip, 12);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(src_ip, 14);

        //ADDS DEST IPv6 address
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(dst_ip, 0);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(dst_ip, 2);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(dst_ip, 4);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(dst_ip, 6);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(dst_ip, 8);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(dst_ip, 10);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(dst_ip, 12);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(dst_ip, 14);

        //ADDS LENGTH OF ICMPv6 packet
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(length, 0);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(length, 2);

        //ADDS NEXT HEADER ID = 58
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(next, 0);
        checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(next, 2);

        //ADDS WHOLE ICMPv6 message
        for (int i = 0; i < payload.Length; i = i + 2)
            checksum += BitConverter.ToUInt16(payload, i);

        checksum += (ushort)(checksum >> 16);

        return (ushort)~checksum;


唯一链接:http: //img831.imageshack.us/img831/7237/icmpv6.png





1 回答 1


有效负载用于 ICMPv6 消息,因为它已在我的问题中发布的图片中签名

至少这是错误的。计算校验和时,应首先将表示校验和本身的字节替换为 0。


根据您的 icmp.pcap,我创建了一个独立程序来计算校验和。有关完整来源,请参见下文。


    ushort checksum = 0;

虽然校验和是 16 位的,但该算法需要至少 32 位的临时值:

    uint checksum = 0;


checksum += (ushort)(checksum >> 16);

但这只有在校验和超过 16 位时才有可能。否则这条线将毫无用处。

但是还有其他一些事情需要考虑。BitConverter.ToUInt16 取决于处理器的字节序,可能是小字节序。那将产生结果A5AB。这可能不是您所期望的,但是如果您切换字节,您会得到正确的版本。我从这里插入了一个函数来解决这个问题。那将产生结果ABA5。另一方面,如果在计算之前没有将校验和设置为 0,那么如果校验和有效,ICMPchecksum 将始终返回 0。另请注意,您的函数无法处理奇数长度的有效负载。

class Program {
    static void Main (string [] args)
        byte[] src_ip = new byte[]
                                0xfe, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
                                0x02, 0x19, 0x55, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x27, 0x27, 0xd0

        byte[] dst_ip = new byte[]
                                0xfe, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
                                0x02, 0x22, 0x75, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xd6, 0xfe, 0x50
        byte[] length = new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 32};
        byte [] next = new byte [] { 0, 0, 0, 58 };
        byte[] payload = new byte[]
                                 0x88, 0x00, 0xab, 0xa5, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
                                 0xfe, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
                                 0x02, 0x19, 0x55, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x27, 0x27, 0xd0,
                                 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x19, 0x55, 0x27, 0x27, 0xd0
#if true
        payload [2] = 0;
        payload [3] = 0;

        ushort checksum = ICMPchecksum(src_ip, dst_ip, length, next, payload);

        Console.WriteLine (checksum.ToString ("X"));
        Console.ReadKey ();

    public static ushort BitConverterToUInt16 (byte [] value, int startIndex)
#if false
            return System.BitConverter.ToUInt16 (value, startIndex);
            return System.BitConverter.ToUInt16 (value.Reverse ().ToArray (), value.Length - sizeof (UInt16) - startIndex);

    static ushort ICMPchecksum (byte [] src_ip, byte [] dst_ip, byte [] length, byte [] next, byte [] payload)
        uint checksum = 0;

        //length of byte fields
        Console.WriteLine ("src_ip: " + src_ip.Length + " dst_ip: " + dst_ip.Length + " length: " + length.Length + " next_header: " + next.Length + " payload: " + payload.Length);

        //display all fields, which will be used for checksum calculation
        Console.WriteLine (BitConverter.ToString (src_ip));
        Console.WriteLine (BitConverter.ToString (dst_ip));
        Console.WriteLine (BitConverter.ToString (length));
        Console.WriteLine (BitConverter.ToString (next));
        Console.WriteLine (BitConverter.ToString (payload));

        //ADDS SOURCE IPv6 address
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (src_ip, 0);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (src_ip, 2);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (src_ip, 4);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (src_ip, 6);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (src_ip, 8);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (src_ip, 10);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (src_ip, 12);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (src_ip, 14);

        //ADDS DEST IPv6 address
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (dst_ip, 0);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (dst_ip, 2);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (dst_ip, 4);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (dst_ip, 6);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (dst_ip, 8);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (dst_ip, 10);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (dst_ip, 12);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (dst_ip, 14);

        //ADDS LENGTH OF ICMPv6 packet
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (length, 0);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (length, 2);

        //ADDS NEXT HEADER ID = 58
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (next, 0);
        checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (next, 2);

        //ADDS WHOLE ICMPv6 message
        for (int i = 0; i < payload.Length; i = i + 2) {
            Console.WriteLine (i);
            checksum += BitConverterToUInt16 (payload, i);

        checksum += (ushort)(checksum >> 16);

        return (ushort)~checksum;
于 2012-04-08T20:32:20.757 回答