I have a NetStream set up and it's supposed to listen for DRMAuthenticateEvent.DRM_Authenticate. When I give it an encrypted file (encrypted using software from drm-x.com), no DRMAuthenticateEvenet seems to be dispatched. The code looks like this:

    private function init():void
nc = new NetConnection();

ns = new NetStream(nc);
ns.addEventListener(DRMAuthenticateEvent.DRM_AUTHENTICATE, DRMAuthHandler);
video = new Video();

I am trying to use the setDRMAuthenticationCredentials function as follows:

private function DRMAuthHandler(event:DRMAuthenticationEvent):void
ns.setDRMAuthenticationCredentials("testuser", "test", "proxy");
ns.setDRMAuthenticationCredentials("testuser", "test", "drm");
label2.text = "authentication event dispatched!";          //for debugging

I have both proxy and drm authentication types in there because drm was not working for me so I decided to try proxy.
Am I doing something wrong? I got this stuff off of the Adobe reference pages, is there an easier/smarter way of going about DRM in Flex?



1 回答 1


在 Flex(更具体地说是 AIR)中使用 DRM 时,您必须使用 Flash Digital Rights Management Server。这是 AIR 中唯一支持 DRM 的系统。

于 2009-07-22T03:15:02.843 回答