我正在阅读一本名为 Swing: A Beginner's guide 的好书。书中的这段代码创建了一个按钮和一个标签,用于提醒按钮的状态更改事件:
//Demonstrate a change listener and the button model
package swingexample2_6;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class ChangeDemo {
JButton jbtn;
JLabel jlab;
public ChangeDemo() {
//Create a new JFrame container
JFrame jfrm = new JFrame("Button Change Events");
//Specify FlowLayout for the layout manager
jfrm.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
//Give the frame an initial size
jfrm.setSize(250, 160);
//Terminate the program when the user closes the application
//Create an empty label
jlab = new JLabel();
//Make a button
jbtn = new JButton("Press for Change Event Test");
//--Add change listener
jbtn.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
ButtonModel mod = jbtn.getModel();
String what = "";
if (mod.isEnabled()) {
what += "Enabled<br>";
if (mod.isRollover()) {
what += "Rollover<br>";
if (mod.isArmed()) {
what += "Armed<br>";
if (mod.isPressed()) {
what += "Pressed<br>";
//Notice that this label's text is HTML
jlab.setText("<html>Current stats:<br>" + what);
//Add the components to the content pane
//Display the frame
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Create the frame on the event dispatching thread
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new ChangeDemo();
除了翻转事件外,一切正常。底层操作系统是 Mac OS Lion。我应该把这个挥杆问题归咎于狮子还是我做错了什么?谢谢你。