C++ 上的未知错误,错误:“;”之前的预期主表达式 令牌。这是我用 C++ 编写的代码:

 #include <iostream>
 #include <math.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #define G 6.674E-11
 using namespace std;

 int main()
 //Ms = Mass of sun, Me = Mass of Earth, Fg = Gravitational force between them, As =                                   Acceleration of Sun, Ae = Acceleration of Earth, Ve_x
 // = initial velocity of Earth in x direction, Ve_y = initial velocity of Earth in y          direction, Vs_x = initial velocity of the Sun in x direction
 // Vs_y = initial velocity of sun in y direction, t = time, F = Gravitational force   `    between the two bodies.

    float Ms, Me, Fg, As, Ae, Ve_x, Ve_y, Vs_x, Vs_y, pos_E, pos_S, r_x, r_y, r, t;
    float S_dist;
    float E_dist;
    float F;
    float Ve[2];
    float Vs[2];
    float pe[2];
    float ps[2];

  FILE *fileptr;

    cout <<"Enter mass of the Sun in kg\n";
    cin >> Ms;
    cout <<"Enter mass of the earth in kg\n";
    cin >> Me;
    cout <<"Enter intial velocity of the sun in x direction in m/s\n";
    cin >> Vs[0];
    cout <<"Enter intial velocity of the sun in y direction in m/s\n";
    cin >> Vs[1];
    cout <<"Enter intial velocity of the earth in x direction in m/s\n";
    cin >> Ve[0];
    cout <<"Enter intial velocity of the earth in y direction in m/s\n";
    cin >> Ve[1];
    cout <<"Enter intial position of the sun in x component\n";
    cin >> ps[0];
    cout <<"Enter intial position of the sun in y direction\n";
    cin >> ps[1];
    cout <<"Enter intial position of the earth in x direction\n";
    cin >> pe[0];
    cout <<"Enter intial position of the earth in y direction\n";
    cin >> pe[1];

  for (t=0; t<30000; t+1)
  float E_dist;
  float S_dist;
  float F;

    E_dist=sqrt( ((pe[0]-pe[0])*(pe[0]-pe[0])) + ((pe[1]-pe[1])*(pe[1]-pe[1])) );
    S_dist=sqrt( ((ps[0]-ps[0])*(ps[0]-ps[0])) + ((ps[1]-ps[1])*(ps[1]-ps[1])) );

    r_x=( (pe[0]-pe[0]) - (ps[0]-ps[0]) );
    r_y=( (pe[1]-pe[1]) - (ps[1]-ps[1]) );
    r= sqrt( (r_x)*(r_x) + (r_y)*(r_y) );


    Ae = F/Me;
    As = F/Ms;

    Ve_x = Ve[0];
    Ve_y = Ve[1];
    Vs_x = Vs[0];
    Vs_y = Vs[1];
    cout<<"At time "<<t<<":\n The position of the Sun is "<<S_dist<<"\n The position of   the Earth is "<<E_dist
    <<"\n The acceleration of the Sun is "<<As<<" \n The acceleration of the Earth is "<<Ae<<" \nThe velocity of the Sun in the x direction is "
    <<Vs_x<<" \n The velocity of the Sun in the y direction is "<<Vs_y<<" \n The velocity of the Earth in the x direction is "<<Ve_x<<
    " \n The velocity of the Earth in the y direction is "<<Ve_y<<" \n The gravitational force between the Sun and the Earth is "<<F<<; // ERROR OCCURRED HERE.




3 回答 3







cout << "At time " <<t<<":\n The position of the Sun is "<<S_dist<<"\n";
     << " The position of   the Earth is "<<E_dist << "\n";
     << "The acceleration of the Sun is "<<As<<"\n"
     << "The acceleration of the Earth is "<<Ae<<"\n";
     << "The velocity of the Sun in the x direction is "<<Vs_x<<" \n";
     << "The velocity of the Sun in the y direction is "<<Vs_y<<" \n";
     << "The velocity of the Earth in the x direction is "<<Ve_x<< "\n";
     << "The velocity of the Earth in the y direction is "<<Ve_y<<" \n";
     << "The gravitational force between the Sun and the Earth is "<<F<<;


于 2012-04-05T20:17:43.140 回答


for (t=0; t<30000; t+1)


for (t=0; t<30000; t++)

或者,基于tIs using increment (operator++) on floats bad style?float

for (t = 0; t < 30000; t+=1.0f)
于 2012-04-05T20:19:03.887 回答

您的第一个语法错误是因为<<在语句末尾有另一个cout<<F<<;只是将其更改为,cout<<F;除非您要打印另一个 var 或者您想使用 endline,如:cout<<F<<endl;

你还有另一个语法错误!你的main回报 int 但你最后没有返回任何东西:

return 0;



int main()
  float S_dist; //real S_dist !!!
  float E_dist; //real E_dist !!!
  float F;      //real F !!!
  for (t=0; t<30000; t++)

     float F; // just exists in for!!!
     float E_dist; //just exists in for!!!
     float E_dist; //just exists in for!!!
     F=(G*Me*Ms)/(r*r); //changing local F, which just exists in for
     E_dist=sqrt( ((pe[0]-pe[0])*(pe[0]-pe[0])) + ((pe[1]-pe[1])*(pe[1]-pe[1])) );
     S_dist=sqrt( ((ps[0]-ps[0])*(ps[0]-ps[0])) + ((ps[1]-ps[1])*(ps[1]-ps[1])) );
  cout<<F<<E_dist<<S_dist; //this prints the main vars!
  return 0;

请务必阅读更多有关局部变量的信息。请记住,这t+1根本不会改变t!你应该在语句的最后部分写t++or !除非你会得到一个无限循环,否则你根本不会增长!t+=1fort

于 2012-04-05T20:53:00.370 回答