我意识到自从被问到这个问题已经过去了一个月,但是我遇到了一个类似的问题(即pow(float('nan'), 1)
在一些 Python 实现中抛出异常,例如 Jython 2.52b2),我发现上面的答案并不完全是我的寻找。
使用 6502 建议的 MissingData 类型似乎是可行的方法,但我需要一个具体的例子。我尝试了 Ethan Furman 的 NullType 类,但发现它不适用于任何算术运算,因为它不会强制数据类型(见下文),而且我也不喜欢它明确命名每个被覆盖的算术函数。
从 Ethan 的示例和我在这里找到的调整代码开始,我来到了下面的课程。尽管该类被大量注释,但您可以看到它实际上只有几行功能代码。
1.使用 coerce() 返回两个 NoData 对象,用于混合类型(例如 NoData + float)算术运算,以及两个字符串用于基于字符串(例如 concat)的操作。
2.使用 getattr() 为所有其他属性/方法访问返回一个可调用的 NoData() 对象
3.使用 call() 来实现 NoData() 对象的所有其他方法:通过返回一个 NoData() 对象
>>> nd = NoData()
>>> nd + 5
>>> pow(nd, 1)
>>> math.pow(NoData(), 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: nb_float should return float object
>>> nd > 5
>>> if nd > 5:
... print "Yes"
... else:
... print "No"
>>> "The answer is " + nd
'The answer is NoData()'
>>> "The answer is %f" % (nd)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: float argument required, not instance
>>> "The answer is %s" % (nd)
'The answer is '
>>> nd.f = 5
>>> nd.f
>>> nd.f()
我注意到将 pow 与 NoData() 一起使用会调用 ** 运算符,因此可以与 NoData 一起使用,但使用 math.pow 并不会,因为它首先尝试将 NoData() 对象转换为浮点数。我很高兴使用非数学 pow - 希望 6502 等在他们在上面的评论中遇到 pow 问题时使用 math.pow。
我想不出解决方法的另一个问题是使用格式 (%f) 运算符...在这种情况下,没有调用 NoData 的方法,如果您不提供浮点数,运算符就会失败。无论如何,这就是课程本身。
class NoData():
"""NoData object - any interaction returns NoData()"""
def __str__(self):
#I want '' returned as it represents no data in my output (e.g. csv) files
return ''
def __unicode__(self):
return ''
def __repr__(self):
return 'NoData()'
def __coerce__(self, other_object):
if isinstance(other_object, str) or isinstance(other_object, unicode):
#Return string objects when coerced with another string object.
#This ensures that e.g. concatenation operations produce strings.
return repr(self), other_object
#Otherwise return two NoData objects - these will then be passed to the appropriate
#operator method for NoData, which should then return a NoData object
return self, self
def __nonzero__(self):
#__nonzero__ is the operation that is called whenever, e.g. "if NoData:" occurs
#i.e. as all operations involving NoData return NoData, whenever a
#NoData object propagates to a test in branch statement.
return False
def __hash__(self):
#prevent NoData() from being used as a key for a dict or used in a set
raise TypeError("Unhashable type: " + self.repr())
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
#This is overridden to prevent any attributes from being created on NoData when e.g. "NoData().f = x" is called
return None
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
#if a NoData object is called (i.e. used as a method), return a NoData object
return self
def __getattr__(self,name):
#For all other attribute accesses or method accesses, return a NoData object.
#Remember that the NoData object can be called (__call__), so if a method is called,
#a NoData object is first returned and then called. This works for operators,
#so e.g. NoData() + 5 will:
# - call NoData().__coerce__, which returns a (NoData, NoData) tuple
# - call __getattr__, which returns a NoData object
# - call the returned NoData object with args (self, NoData)
# - this call (i.e. __call__) returns a NoData object
#For attribute accesses NoData will be returned, and that's it.
#print name #(uncomment this line for debugging purposes i.e. to see that attribute was accessed/method was called)
return self