I am working on project in JSF, using Tomcat 7. The application will have two parts - the presentation and the administration, main part is about the administration. What I want to do is to create something like a web library.

To have this more clear, I'll try to show structure of the project:

The main application project (let's call it admin) that is builed into WAR file.
Second project using the first one (let's call it presentation).
Presentation is using the admin WAR file.
both projects are typical JSFs - admin has pages, beans, etc.

In NetBeans, I have no problem with adding WAR file as a library, but, there are two things. The first: are all ManagedBeans in admin initialized together with presentation run, so I can use them in presentation? The second: how do I access pages from presentation that are located in admin?

Maybe I am wrong about this idea and I should use different way how to achieve this - so just tell me please.

Also, I probably will not be able to deploy two war files and run them - most of the hostings where the application will run allow deploying of one WAR file only.


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Make it a common JAR instead of WAR, so that you can include it in both WARs. This way you can share managed beans and templates between both WARs. The Facelets resources can just be placed in /META-INF/resources of the JAR. The JSF artifacts like managed beans will be auto-discovered if you provide a /META-INF/faces-config.xml file.

See also:

于 2012-04-05T17:12:47.343 回答