Failed to load database information. Details: The database DLL crdb_ado.dll could not be loaded. Error in File (filename) Failed to load database information.

I am receiving this error when i try to run a crystal report from my page. on the server I have installed the CRRedist2008_x86 and the dll file is in the business objects folder, but for some reason it is still not loading. I also checked to make sure I have the msvcp60.dll which is also needed but still am unable to run the report.

The server is running Windows Server 2008, has Visual Studio 2005 installed on it (not sure if that makes any difference). The application ran fine on my local machine, but after uploading it to the server, it's not wanting to play nice.

Any suggestions/help is appreciated. Thank You


1 回答 1


您应该获取Dependency Walker并打开crdb_ado.dll以确认所有必需的文件都在那里。虽然检查msvcp60.dll通常是正确的想法,但我发现人们经常在寻找这些文件的错误版本,或者其他必需的 DLL 也丢失了。

此外,请确保您使用的 redist 与您在项目中引用的 Crystal Reports 版本相匹配。在 Visual Studio 2005 之上使用 Crystal Reports 2008 与使用 Visual Studio 2005(或 2008 或 2010)附带的 BUNDLED Crystal Reports 之间存在差异。

事实上,有时人们没有意识到他们的 .NET 项目引用了 Crystal Reports 的“附带 Visual Studio”版本,因为他们碰巧<whatever>在他们的 PC 上安装了 Crystal Reports 版本。

也就是说,如果您非常确信您的 CRRedist2008_x86 的 redist 与您正在使用的匹配,我会专注于 Dependency Walker 以查看它是否指示crdb_ado.dll.

于 2012-04-07T04:00:44.743 回答