I have a table with 3 columns: id, updated_at, click_sum.

Many rows have the exact same updated_at value which makes it hard to simply retrieve the data, order by updated_at and display the sums in a chart. Since there are multiple sums for the same dates which screws the chart.

What I try to achieve is to get the following output:

 update_at | click_sum
   date1   |    100
   date2   |     3
   date3   |    235
   date4   |    231

Optionally only those dates which are form the last month, week or day AND not simply the dates which are NOW() - 1 month.

The current query I build is very large and doesn't work that well. It groups by dates (no duplicated dates appear) and SUM()s the clicks correctly but defining from when (last month, week, day) the dates are doesn't seem to work properly.

Query: ($interval stands for MONTH or DAY or SECOND or WEEK)

SELECT d.updated_at, SUM(d.clicks_sum) AS click_sum
FROM aggregated_clicks d
     SELECT c.id, MAX(StartOfChains.updated_at) AS ChainStartTime
     FROM aggregated_clicks c
         SELECT DISTINCT a.updated_at
         FROM aggregated_clicks a
         LEFT JOIN aggregated_clicks b ON (b.updated_at >= a.updated_at - INTERVAL 1 DAY AND b.updated_at < a.updated_at)
         WHERE b.updated_at IS NULL
      ) StartOfChains  ON c.updated_at >= StartOfChains.updated_at
     GROUP BY c.id
) GroupingQuery
ON d.id = GroupingQuery.id
WHERE GroupingQuery.ChainStartTime >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 $interval)
GROUP BY GroupingQuery.ChainStartTime
ORDER BY GroupingQuery.ChainStartTime ASC

1 回答 1





date_sub(curdate(), interval (extract(day from curdate())-1) day)


date_sub(date_sub(curdate(), interval extract(day from (curdate())-1) day), interval 1 month)

因此,如果您想获得两者之间几天的总和 - 即最近完成的月份,请使用:

select updated_at, sum(click_sum) from aggregated_clicks
  where updated_at >= date_sub(date_sub(curdate(), interval extract(day from (curdate())-1) day), interval 1 month)
    and updated_at < date_sub(curdate(), interval (extract(day from curdate())-1) day)
  group by updated_at;


由于 ODBC 标准定义日期数字的方式,很容易找到前一周的结束(星期六):

date_sub(curdate(), interval dayofweek(curdate()) day)


date_sub(curdate(), interval (dayofweek(curdate())+6) day)

因此,如果您想获得介于两者之间的几天的总和 - 即最近完成的一周,请使用以下命令:

select updated_at, sum(click_sum) from aggregated_clicks
  where updated_at >= date_sub(curdate(), interval (dayofweek(curdate())+6) day)
    and updated_at <= date_sub(curdate(), interval dayofweek(curdate()) day)
  group by updated_at;



date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day)


select updated_at, sum(click_sum) from aggregated_clicks
  where updated_at = date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day)
  group by updated_at;

注意:我已经使用 MySQL 5.1、YMMV 测试了这些查询。




select date(updated_at), sum(click_sum) from aggregated_clicks
  where date(updated_at) >= date_sub(date_sub(curdate(), interval extract(day from (curdate())-1) day), interval 1 month)
    and date(updated_at) < date_sub(curdate(), interval (extract(day from curdate())-1) day)
  group by date(updated_at);


select date(updated_at), sum(click_sum) from aggregated_clicks
  where date(updated_at) >= date_sub(curdate(), interval (dayofweek(curdate())+6) day)
    and date(updated_at) <= date_sub(curdate(), interval dayofweek(curdate()) day)
  group by date(updated_at);


select date(updated_at), sum(click_sum) from aggregated_clicks
  where date(updated_at) = date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 day)
  group by date(updated_at);
于 2012-04-07T11:47:10.990 回答