While using Rally Rest.net api to query the data from Rally, the request/response is quite slow. Note that i ignored the factor of client connection speed.

Tried further investigation by Fiddler, i found each request to Rally server has become a pair round-trips ( 1 request responsed authentication 401, and other request actually responsed data), even though use only one instance of RallyRestApi which has accompanied user account info. You could see the red box in attached Fiddler screenshot below.

Is that a bug of Rally Rest.net api? Should i do anything else to avoid it?

Please help!

Rally REST API request/response debug


One more issue i found when upload an attachment file to a defect. To upload attachment file, i created an AttachmentContent object and put the file binary content into Content property. Everything works very well, except the response of this request. Rally responses the CreateResult that included the same file binary content. Imagine that we upload a 4MB attachment file in request, and we will receive the response with 4MB file content inside. That causes doubling time of data tranfering between client and server over Http(s) in upload attachment request.

enter image description here


1 回答 1


令我惊讶的是,您使用 .NET REST 的性能很慢,因为它实际上是 Rally 性能更高的 API 之一。它的数据检索是多线程的,这有助于提高响应能力。

使用 Rally Webservices 需要注意的一件事 - 记录数的最大页面大小为 200。因此,如果您向 Rally 发出返回 900 条记录的请求,.NET API 实际上(在幕后)会产生 5针对 Rally 的请求:四页,每页 200 条记录,然后是第五页,每页 100 条记录。


于 2012-04-05T11:59:11.400 回答