

例如,x,y,z... itemnames 来自数据库我在自定义列表视图中附加了 edittext 现在我更改了 x,y,z。到 a,b,c。现在我想要字符串数组中的 a,b,c(new values)

      my code
     View vi = convertView;

    vi = inflater.inflate(R.layout.editmainmenulist, null);

    EditText text = (EditText) vi.findViewById(R.id.editmaimenu);
    text.append(itemnames[position]);//here i append so many itemnames append to edittext

如何获得更改的 edittext 值更改了哪些值意味着它会打印所有值。我尝试更改方法后只打印一个名称


1 回答 1


您应该使用onTextChanged()which 来通知您有关 EditText 的更改。

This method is called to notify you that, within *s*, the *count* characters 
beginning at *start* have just replaced old text that had length *before*. 

mEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
                int count) {

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {


        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
                int after) {

于 2012-04-05T07:20:04.453 回答