I am having a problem and not sure if this is possible at all, so if someone could point me in the right direction.

I need to open a file from a webpage, open it in excel and save the file.

The problem I am running into the file name on the website has a file name ( not an active link ) and then it will have a "download " button that is not specific to the file I need to download. So instead of the download button being "file1todaysdate", they are nothing that I could use from day to day.

Is there a way I could locate file name then grab the file from the download icon? then save in excel? If not sorry for wasting time.


3 回答 3


当您按下载时,文件实际来自哪里?首先获取该下载链接。如果很难从浏览器中检测到,请使用 firebug 之类的工具获取下载链接。一旦你得到它。您可以使用 Python 使用 urllib.urlretrieve 下载它

filename, msg = urllib.urlretrieve('http://yourlinktodownload/file.xls')

文件名将指向下载的文件。如果是 xls 格式,它应该在 Excel 中打开。

于 2012-04-05T06:21:33.010 回答




于 2012-04-05T06:12:01.963 回答

Examine the Content-Disposition header of the response to discover what the server wants you to call the file.

于 2012-04-05T06:07:32.797 回答