尝试传入用户提供的字符串,该字符串具有 jvm.dll 的路径,但它不会加载库,除非我使用以下内容进行硬编码:
#define RUNTIME_DLL _T("C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\Server\\jvm.dll")
HINSTANCE handle = LoadLibrary((const char*)Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(string).ToPointer());
“字符串” var 具有 _T() 具有但仍然失败的确切复制和粘贴路径。不是 C/C++ 方面的专家,所以我不确定是什么 _T() 让它工作。
// System::String always stored as Unicode, get a Unicode pointer with no conversion necessary
pin_ptr<const WCHAR> lib_name = PtrToStringChars(string);
// Always use the Unicode version of LoadLibrary
HINSTANCE handle = LoadLibraryW(lib_name);
而且它仍然不会加载 jvm.dll 文件。如果我这样做,它只会加载它:
#define RUNTIME_DLL _T("C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\Server\\jvm.dll")
// System::String always stored as Unicode, get a Unicode pointer with no conversion necessary
pin_ptr<const WCHAR> lib_name = PtrToStringChars(RUNTIME_DLL);
// Always use the Unicode version of LoadLibrary
HINSTANCE handle = LoadLibraryW(lib_name);
// System::String always stored as Unicode
marshal_context^ ctx = gcnew marshal_context();
pin_ptr<const WCHAR> lib_name = PtrToStringChars(jvmDllPath);
//const wchar_t * lib_name = ctx->marshal_as<const wchar_t*, System::String^>(jvmDllPath);
printf("JVM Path: %s", lib_name);
// Always use the Unicode version of LoadLibrary
handle = LoadLibraryW(lib_name);
if( handle == 0) {
printf("Failed to load jvm dll \n");
//printf(ErrorExit((LPTSTR)(const char*)"Initialize"));
// this is the part that will work
System::String^ string = gcnew System::String("C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\Server\\jvm.dll");
pin_ptr<const WCHAR> lib_name = PtrToStringChars(string);
handle = LoadLibraryW(lib_name);
delete ctx; // do this for now to not create memory leaks
C++/CLI 方法签名是:
void Initialize(String^ jvmDllPath)
使用字符串参数调用 this 的 C# 代码如下:
obj.Initialize("c:\\program files\\java\\jdk7\\jre\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll");
从 Ben 的建议中提供答案,以便人们/新手和临时 c/c++/cli 编码人员可以找到一个快速答案来避免我经历的事情:
const char * CliToNativeString(String^ cliString){
const char * converted;
converted = (gcnew marshal_context())->marshal_as<const char *>( cliString );
return converted;
String^ NativeToCliString(const char * nString){
String^ converted = gcnew String("");
if(nString != NULL)
converted = (gcnew marshal_context())->marshal_as<String^>(nString);
return converted;