我一直试图让这段代码工作但没有成功。gdb 告诉我 void Compiler::GenerateCode_ToFile(char* filename) 函数中的某处存在段错误,我已手动将问题追溯到该行的某处:

 std::string tempfile = this->code->CodeGen( temp, AST_TYPE_UNDEF, symtab, 0);



void Compiler::GenerateCode_ToFile(char* filename){

char directory[MAX_PATH];   //Actually represents the full path.
strcpy( directory, this->cwd.c_str());
strcat( directory, filename);

    std::cout << "Source Output: " << directory << '\n';

std::fstream file( directory, std::ios::out);

int* temp = new int;
Symtable* symtab = new Symtable;
file << emit_core_code();
file << "\n\n";
std::string tempfile = this->code->CodeGen( temp, AST_TYPE_UNDEF, symtab, 0);


/// CollectionExprAST - Expression class for multiple branches.
class CollectionExprAST : public ExprAST {
  std::vector<ExprAST*>* Code;
  CollectionExprAST(std::vector<ExprAST*>* code) : Code(code) {}
  virtual std::string CodeGen(int* GeneratedCodeOpType,int WantOpType,Symtable* symtab, int depth);
  int GetType(void){return AST_TYPE_COLLECTION;};
  void* GetCollection(void){return this->Code;};
  void DebugPrint(int level);


/// ExprAST - Base class for all expression nodes.
class ExprAST {
  virtual ~ExprAST() {}
  virtual std::string CodeGen(int* GeneratedCodeOpType,int WantOpType,Symtable* symtab, int depth) {return std::string("");};
  virtual void DebugPrint(int level){return;};
  virtual int GetType(void){return AST_TYPE_UNDEF;};
  virtual void* GetCollection(void){return NULL;};


std::string CollectionExprAST::CodeGen(int* GeneratedCodeOpType,int WantOpType,Symtable* symtab, int depth)
std::string ret;
int j=0;
    int temp;
    int i=0;
        ret += "\t";
    ret += (*this->Code)[j]->CodeGen(&temp,WantOpType,symtab, depth+1);
    ret += '\n';
return ret;

我知道它在运行之前会崩溃,因为 Sleep() 永远不会运行。




2 回答 2


I see nowhere in your example where you actually allocate the Code member variable. It is a pointer and what it points to needs to be allocated at some point.

There are other problems as well, though not directly related to your crash.

First, you never delete symtab or temp in GenerateCode_ToFile. This is a memory leak. For that matter, why in the world are you dynamically allocating an int there? Just declare an int on the stack and pass its address to the CodeGen function. Same goes for symtab if possible.

int i = 10;

Actually, looking more closely, you don't even use the int* parameter in the function and it isn't saved anywhere, so just get rid of it entirely.


std::vector<ExprAST*>* Code;

Pointers to vectors and vectors that store pointers are almost always wrong. You are preventing the vector from handling dynamic memory allocation and deallocation for you. You may as well just use an array at this point (ok, an array doesn't grow for you if you assign something beyond its boundaries, but still, bad practice).

Vectors use a pattern called RAII to handle safely allocating and deallocating memory for you. When you maintain a pointer to a vector you circumvent that process and are required to call delete on the vector yourself.

When you store pointers in a vector you, once again, prevent the vector from deallocating its stored objects. It will store the pointers themselves dynamically and call delete on them, but this will not deallocate what the original pointer was pointing to.

C++ is a complex language. I suggest spending some time learning more about memory management in general and patterns like RAII which can simplify the process for you.

于 2012-04-05T00:03:39.773 回答



于 2012-04-04T23:54:49.480 回答