我有一个 HTML5 画布,每次单击它时都会生成一个弹跳框。盒子数组存储每个创建的盒子的 x 值、y 值、x 速度和 y 速度。盒子最初会沿随机方向移动,并且会在画布的两侧反弹,但如果它撞到角落,盒子就会消失而不是弹回。编辑:我回答了我自己的问题,注意到 soundY 和 soundX 函数导致了问题。

var box = new Array();
var width  = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
var field = document.getElementById('canvas');

field.width  = width;
field.height = height; 
field.ctx = field.getContext('2d');
field.ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; 
setInterval('redraw()', 200);
addEventListener('click', createBox, false);

function createBox(e) { // this box will always fail collision detection at the upper-left corner
  box.push(100); // x-value is normally mouse position
  box.push(100); // y-value is normally mouse position
  box.push(-5); // x-speed is normally random
  box.push(-5); // y-speed is normally random

function redraw() {

  for(var i = 0; i < box.length; i+=4) {
         if(box[i] < 0)        { box[i+2] *= -1; soundY(box[i+1]); } // parameter of soundY is less than 0 
    else if(box[i] > width)    { box[i+2] *= -1; soundY(box[i+1]); } // which is invalid and causes this to break

         if(box[i+1] < 0)      { box[i+3] *= -1; soundX(box[i]); }
    else if(box[i+1] > height) { box[i+3] *= -1; soundX(box[i]); }

    box[i] += box[i+2];
    box[i+1] += box[i+3];
    field.ctx.strokeRect(box[i], box[i+1], 4, 4);

function soundX(num) {
  // play a sound file based on a number between 0 and width

function soundY(num) {
  // play a sound file based on a number between 0 and height

2 回答 2


我可以重现问题的唯一方法是在其中一个角落生成盒子,以便在正确的 x 和 y 速度下,盒子最初是在画布边界之外创建的。发生这种情况时,速度的反转不足以将项目带回边界等,下一帧速度再次反转(等等)。


        var boxes = [];
        var boxSize = 4;
        var width = window.innerWidth;
        var height = window.innerHeight;
        var field = document.getElementById('canvas');

        function redraw() {
            field.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
            var box;
            for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {

                box = boxes[i];
                field.ctx.strokeRect(box.x, box.y, boxSize, boxSize);

                if (box.x < 0) {
                    box.x = 0;
                    box.dx *= -1;
                } else if (box.x > width - boxSize) {
                    box.x = width - boxSize;
                    box.dx *= -1;

                if (box.y < 0) {
                    box.y = 0;
                    box.dy *= -1;
                } else if (box.y > height - boxSize) {
                    box.y = height - boxSize;
                    box.dy *= -1;

                box.x += box.dx;
                box.y += box.dy;

        field.width = width;
        field.height = height;
        field.ctx = field.getContext('2d');
        field.ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)';

        setInterval(redraw, 200);
        addEventListener('click', createBox, false);

        function createBox(e) {
                x: e.clientX - 10,
                y: e.clientY - 10, // arbitrary offset to place the new box under the mouse
                dx: Math.floor(Math.random() * 8 - boxSize),
                dy: Math.floor(Math.random() * 8 - boxSize)



于 2012-04-05T00:10:32.160 回答


于 2012-04-05T18:56:12.020 回答