对于所有专业的 WP Theme 开发人员,当使用多个时,update_option()是否有办法测试是否有任何更新不起作用(无论是通过连接错误还是通过验证),所以它会抛出错误?如果出现错误,是否update_option()可以忽略所有先前的代码?



1 回答 1


如果更新因任何原因失败,update_option() 将返回 false。但是,它也会返回false,当一个选项已经设置为您尝试更新的值时。

因此,您最好先使用 get_option 检查选项是否需要更新或是否存在,然后如果需要更新,请更新它。

如果您的选项未通过验证测试,那么只需中断您正在使用的任何验证功能。您可以抛出 Wp_Error,但这似乎太具有侵略性了。我倾向于使用 add_settings_error 并以这种方式向我的用户显示错误。

要回滚之前的任何 update_option 调用,都需要将之前的值存储在一个数组中,如果需要恢复选项,则需要遍历它们。




public function theme_options_validate( $input ) {

    if ($_POST['option_page'] != $this->themename.'_options') {
        add_settings_error($this->themename.'_theme_options', 'badadmin', __('<h3><strong>Smack your hands!</strong></h3> - You don\'t appear to be an admin! Nothing was saved.', $this->textDom), 'error');
        return $input;

    if ( empty($_POST) && !wp_verify_nonce($_POST[$this->themename.'_options'],'theme_options_validate') ) {
        add_settings_error($this->themename.'_theme_options', 'badadmin', __('<h3><strong>Smack your hands!</strong></h3> - You don\'t appear to be an admin! Nothing was saved.', $this->textDom), 'error');
        return $input;

    //begin validation - first get existing options - if any
    $init_themeoptions = get_option( $this->themename.'_theme_options' );
    //create an array to store new options in
    $newInput = array();

    //check to see if the author param has been set
    if($input[$this->shortname.'_meta-author'] !== '') {
        $newInput[$this->shortname.'_meta-author'] =  wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $input[$this->shortname.'_meta-author] );
        add_settings_error($this->themename.'_theme_options', 'emptydata', __('Oops - Author cant be empty'.', $this->textDom), 'error');

    //finally we see if any errors have been generated
        //if there are errors, we return our original theme options if they exist, otherwise we return the input data
        //this clause handles the situation where you have no theme options because its your themes first run
        if($init_themeoptions != false) {
            return $init_themeoptions;
            return $input;

    //if there were no errors we return the sanitized $newInput array and indicate successful save of data using settings error class, but 
    //we don't use the error attribute, which isnt all that intuitiive
    add_settings_error($this->themename.'_theme_options', 'updated', __('<em>Success! </em> '.ucfirst($this->themename).' Theme Options updated!', $this->textDom), 'updated');
    return $newInput;

要在主题选项 ui 中显示设置错误,请将以下行添加到生成选项表单的位置;

settings_errors( $this->themename.'_theme_options' );


于 2012-04-04T20:18:54.597 回答