接口与抽象类(一般 OO)







4 回答 4


Both are what I call contracts and can be used in the following fashion by an individual developer:


  • Allows for polymophism of differing derived implementations.
  • Allows one to create base functionality which can be dictated or not that the derived class be required to implement.
  • Allows for a default operation to be runtime consumed if the derived does not implement or required to implement.
  • Provides a consistency across derived objects which a base class pointer can utilize without having to have the actual derived; hence allows generic operations on a derived object from a base class reference similar to an Interface in runtime operation.


  • Allows a generic pattern of usage as a defacto contract of operation(s). This usage is can be targetted to the process in hand and allows for the surgically precise operations for that contract.
  • Used to help with factory patterns (its the object returned), mocking of data during unit tests and the ability to replace an existing class (say from a factory returning the interface) with a different object and it doesn't cause any consumer of the factory any pain of refactoring due to the adherence of the interface contract.
  • Provides a pattern of usage which can be easily understood away from the static of the rest of the class's implementation.

Long story short are they required to get a job done? No.

But if you are into designing systems which will have a lifespan of more than one cycle, the upfront work by said architect will pay off in the long run whether on a team or by an individual.


I do practice what I preach and when handing off a project to other developers it was nice to say

  1. Look at the interface IProcess which all the primary business classes adhere to. That process defines a system of goals which can help you understand the purpose and the execution of the business logic in a defined way.
  2. While maintaining and adding new functionality to the project the interfaces actually helped me remember the flow and easily add new business logic into the project.
于 2012-04-04T18:30:21.890 回答

抽象 - 你可以实例化它的一个孩子,但更重要的是,它可以有自己的抽象方法和字段。

接口 - 就抽象而言更“粗略”的一种,但.NET您可以拥有多重继承。因此,通过定义接口,您可以引导接口的使用者订阅不同的合约(接口),从而呈现指定类型的不同“形状”。

于 2012-04-04T18:07:57.233 回答


  1. 有助于防止您对自己的代码做奇怪的事情。想象一下你写了一个类,并在多个项目中使用它。您可以在一个项目中对其进行改进,以使其在另一个项目中的表亲无法识别。拥有一个抽象类或接口会让您在更改函数签名时三思而后行。
  2. 它为您提供了前进的灵活性——这里有很多经典的例子。使用你想要完成的事情的通用形式,如果你决定以后需要一种不同的形式(流式阅读器是一个很好的例子,对吧?)你可以在以后更容易地实现它。
于 2012-04-04T18:12:04.267 回答


抽象类允许您定义一个通用实现,该实现将在许多派生类之间共享,同时将一些行为委托给子类。它允许 DRY(不要重复自己)原则,以避免在任何地方重复相同的代码。


  • 使用需要实现某些接口的库功能。示例是 IDisposable、IEquatable、IEnumerable...

  • 在泛型中使用约束。

  • 允许模拟接口(如果您进行单元测试)而不必实例化真实对象。

  • COM 对象的使用

于 2012-04-04T18:37:22.430 回答