我正在使用 javascript 绑定到一些复选框,并且toFixed(2)没有四舍五入。任何想法为什么它不四舍五入?例如,如果数字是859.385它只显示859.38而不是859.39.

我还读到,toFixed可以根据您使用的浏览器进行不同的舍入,任何人都知道解决这个问题的方法,以便我的 javascript 计算与我的 php 计算相匹配?

var standardprice = parseFloat($('#hsprice_'+this.id.split('_')[1]).val());
var price =  parseFloat($('#hprice_'+this.id.split('_')[1]).val());
var discount =  parseFloat($('#hdiscount_'+this.id.split('_')[1]).val());
var deposit =  parseFloat($('#hdeposit_'+this.id.split('_')[1]).val());

var currSprice = parseFloat($('#hTotalSprice').val());
var currPrice = parseFloat($('#hTotalPrice').val());
var currDiscount = parseFloat($('#hTotalDiscount').val());
var currDeposit = parseFloat($('#hTotalDeposit').val());

currSprice += standardprice;
currPrice += price;
currDiscount += discount;
currDeposit += deposit;



22 回答 22


我还没有找到一个 toFixed10 出错的数字。其他人可以吗?

感谢他的回答blg,让我想到了 Mozilla 的toFixed10()方法。


function toFixed( num, precision ) {
    return (+(Math.round(+(num + 'e' + precision)) + 'e' + -precision)).toFixed(precision);
于 2014-05-09T09:01:52.050 回答

我将此作为最佳舍入函数用于所有财务数据。您可以对所有有问题的数字进行测试。Javascript 允许某种精度,所以我用它来使几乎每个数字都按预期四舍五入。

function roundTo(n, digits) {
        if (digits === undefined) {
            digits = 0;

        var multiplicator = Math.pow(10, digits);
        n = parseFloat((n * multiplicator).toFixed(11));
        return Math.round(n) / multiplicator;
于 2015-09-16T09:45:19.110 回答

在 Chrome 中,toFixed()回合:

859.385 ==> 859.38
859.386 ==> 859.39

当我查看ECMAScript 第 5 版规范.toFixed()(第 节)时,我没有看到它明确描述了舍入,尽管它确实描述了一些相当模糊的东西,这可能是 Chrome 已经实现的。


var roundedNum = (Math.round( num * 100 ) / 100).toFixed(2);


在这里工作演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/kvpgE/

于 2012-04-04T16:31:09.920 回答

由于在 javascripts 的 toFixed-function 中,浮点数5不属于整数的上半部分,如果你有这样的数字,给定的数字会向下舍入:

859.385.toFixed(2) // results in 859.38


859.3851.toFixed(2) // results in 859.39



    // both parameters can be string or number
    function toFixed(number, decimals) {
        var x = Math.pow(10, Number(decimals) + 1);
        return (Number(number) + (1 / x)).toFixed(decimals)
    toFixed(859.385, 2) //results in 859.39
于 2017-05-16T09:58:41.670 回答

与 35.855 一起尝试的另一个好数字是 1.005

我认为 Robert Messerle 的解决方案不能处理 1.005

此处的舍入小数示例https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/round $revision/1383484#Decimal_rounding 将数字转换为指数表示法,似乎得到了更好的结果。

我在这里创建了一个小提琴http://jsfiddle.net/cCX5y/2/,它演示了上面的本地 Robert Messerle 示例(称为toFixedB)和来自 Mozilla 文档的示例(称为toFixed10)。

我还没有找到一个 toFixed10 出错的数字。其他人可以吗?

于 2014-04-21T19:26:58.160 回答
function roundup(num,dec){
    dec= dec || 0;
    var  s=String(num);
    if(num%1)s= s.replace(/5$/, '6');
    return Number((+s).toFixed(dec));

 var n= 35.855

/* 返回值:(数字)35.86 */

于 2012-04-04T16:21:10.503 回答

toFixed() works correctly! The problem is, that 859.385 has no representation as float at a computer. It is scanned as nearest possible value = 859.384999999999991. And rounding this value to 2 digits is 859.38 and not 859.39.

This is the reasons, that many programming languages (especially old for commerce, e.g. COBOL) support BCD numbers (binary coded decimals), where each digit is coded by itself into 4 bits (like hex without using A-F).

A general solution for prices: Calculate in cent/penny and print NUMBER/100.

A note to other solutions (functions provided here): They may help for some numbers, but mostly fail for e.g. 859.38499999.

于 2019-01-26T15:01:29.553 回答






function round(num, precision) {
  var base = 10 ** precision;
  return (Math.round(num * base) / base).toFixed(precision);
于 2019-12-10T13:48:08.067 回答

您可以使用 对Math.round()数字进行四舍五入。如果你想四舍五入到一个特定的小数点,你可以使用一些数学:

var result=Math.round(original*100)/100
于 2012-04-04T16:13:57.400 回答




var n = 1859.385

n.toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2})

// Produces  1,859.39  in USA (locale en-US)
// Produces  1 859,39  in France (locale fr-FR)
// Produces  1.859,39  in Germany (locale de-DE)

规范说,当undefined作为第一个参数传递时,将使用用户自己的语言环境(由操作系统指定)。不幸的是,正如链接文档所示,Mozilla 在这种情况下使用 en-US 语言环境,但它可能会在未来符合规范。

于 2018-01-20T13:12:50.667 回答

我今天遇到了同样的问题,甚至在其他答案中尝试了建议,我发现我仍然没有收到我预期的结果。最后,当我遇到这个问题时,我正在为我当前的项目使用 AngularJS,我想我检查一下 AngularJS 之前是否已经解决了同样的问题,并且确实他们已经解决了。这是他们使用的解决方案,它非常适合我:

function toFixed(number, fractionSize) {
    return +(Math.round(+(number.toString() + 'e' + fractionSize)).toString() + 'e' + -fractionSize);

在这里找到:AngularJS filters.js 源

于 2015-02-23T16:00:40.553 回答

我偶然发现了这个奇怪Number.toFixed的行为。我看到本机功能不可靠,这是不幸的。出于好奇查看答案,我发现他们中的大多数人在数字上表现不佳,35.855因为 TJ Crowder 慷慨地评论了每个答案。


function toFixed(n,precision) {
    var match=RegExp("(\\d+\\.\\d{1,"+precision+"})(\\d)?").exec(n);
    if(match===null||match[2]===undefined) {
        return n.toFixed(precision);
    if(match[2]>=5) {
        return (Number(match[1])+Math.pow(10,-precision)).toFixed(precision);
    return match[1];

正则表达式将您的数字拆分为字符串数组,例如 in toFixed(35.855,2): ["35.855", "35.85", "5"]。如果最后一个数字(在精确截止之后)是>=5,则添加Math.pow(10, -precision)到修剪后的数字。如果您在小数点后 2、3 等处.01截断,这将增加。.002


于 2014-01-13T05:28:32.180 回答


let TruncatedValueInString = ThenNumberYouWantToTruncate.toFixed(decPlaces + 1).slice(0, -1);
于 2019-01-17T11:21:18.527 回答

Joy twindle answer here应该是最好的答案,而不是这么多的hack。

   x = 1859.385;
   x = x.toFixed(2);

给出错误的四舍五入,即 1859.38 而不是 1859.39

 x = 1859.385;
 x = x.toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2});

给出正确的四舍五入 1,859.39


 x = 1859.385;
 x = x.toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2});

现在返回 1859.39 并可用于计算。正则表达式之前的值即 1,859.39 可用于 html 显示,而未格式化的值 1859.39 可用于计算。

于 2018-01-23T01:47:03.123 回答

注意:您可能只需要这个 .toFixed() 解决方案来处理非常大的数字

其他发布的解决方案适用于标准数字(低于 1e21)

如果您想处理非常大的数字和非常小的分数,并且toFixed具有正确的舍入且不损失准确性,并且不必使用库并且具有自包含功能,一种可能的有效解决方案是使用BigInt以避免损失准确性由于内部 javascript 舍入。

下面的函数就是这样做的toFixed(number, [digits])


这个概念是将数字分成整数部分和小数部分的常用方法,但用于BigInt()保存这两个部分。此后,在不使用任何 javascript 或数字函数的情况下,根据需要对正数和负数进行舍入和处理,Math以避免损失准确性。

作为非常特殊情况的奖励,其中数字采用非常大的“e”符号,我添加了eToNumber()我在此处发布的函数:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/66072001/11606728将其作为内联过程执行. 如果您想维护短代码并且不关心这些数字,这可能会被删除。[代码中提供了注释以将其删除]。




* @function    : toFixed(number, [digits])
* @purpose     : Emulate toFixed() for large numbers and
                 large fractional numbers with correct rounding
                 by using the BigInt() built-in Object.
* @version     : 1.01
* @author      : Mohsen Alyafei
* @date        : 03 February 2021
* @param       : {number} [numeric or string] pass large numbers as a string
* @param       : {number} [optional digits]
*              : The number of digits to appear after the decimal point;
*              : this may be a value from 0 and above unlimited.
*              : If this argument is omitted or is negative, it is treated as 0.
*              : Handles large 'e' notation number using the eToNumber() function.digits
*              : See https://stackoverflow.com/a/66072001/11606728
* @returns     : A string representing the given number using fixed-point notation.

function toFixed(num,digits) {
    if (!num && num!==0) return "Cannot read property of null or undefined"; // Can change it to throw Error
    digits<0 && (digits=0);
    num=eToNumber(num); // Delete this line and function below if larage 'e' notation number are not required
    let wh = (num+="").split((.1).toLocaleString().substr(1,1)), f = wh[1];
    wh = wh[0];
    let fr = (f=f||"0").substr(0,digits), fn = BigInt(fr), w = BigInt(wh), fl = (""+fn).length,
        lZeros = fr.length-fl, minus = wh[0]=="-", inc = (wh<0 || minus) ? BigInt(-1):BigInt(1);
    f[digits]>=5 && (fn+=BigInt(1));
    (fn+="").length > fl && (lZeros-=1);
    lZeros >=0 ? lZeros="0".repeat(lZeros):(fn=fn.substring(1), lZeros="",
               (fn ? w +=inc : ((f[digits]>=5) && (w+=inc))));
    fn = lZeros + fn; L = digits-fn.length;
    L && (fn+="0".repeat(L)); w==0 && minus && (w="-"+w);
    return w+(fn?".":"")+fn;

    //---------------------- Extra Function if needed --------------------------------
    // Delete this function if large 'e' notation number are not required
    // Convert very large 'e' numbers to plain string numbers.
    function eToNumber(num) {
        let sign="";
        (num+="").charAt(0)=="-" && (num=num.substring(1),sign ="-");
        let arr = num.split(/[e]/ig); if (arr.length<2) return sign+num;
        let dot=(.1).toLocaleString().substr(1,1), n = arr[0], exp = +arr[1];
        let w = (n=n.replace(/^0+/,'')).replace(dot,''),
          pos = n.split(dot)[1]? n.indexOf(dot)+exp : w.length+exp,
            L = pos-w.length,s=""+BigInt(w);
         w = exp>=0 ? (L>=0 ? s+"0".repeat(L):r()): (pos<=0 ? "0"+dot+"0".repeat(Math.abs(pos))+s:r());
        if (!+w) w=0; return sign+w;
        function r(){return w.replace(new RegExp(`^(.{${pos}})(.)`),`$1${dot}$2`)}}

//             Test Cases
let r=0; // test tracker
r |= test(35.855,2,"35.86");
r |= test(12.00000015,2,"12.00");
r |= test(35.855,5,"35.85500");
r |= test(35.855,4,"35.8550");
r |= test(1.135,2,"1.14");
r |= test(1.135,3,"1.135");
r |= test(1.135,4,"1.1350");
r |= test(1.135,8,"1.13500000");
r |= test(0.1545,3,"0.155");
r |= test(89.684449,2,"89.68");
r |= test("0.0000001",2,"0.00");
r |= test("0.9993360575508052",3,"0.999");
r |= test("0.999336057550805244545454545",29,"0.99933605755080524454545454500");
r |= test("1.0020739645577939",3,"1.002");
r |= test(0.999,0,"1");
r |= test(0.999,1,"1.0");
r |= test(0.999,2,"1.00");
r |= test(0.975,0,"1");
r |= test(0.975,1,"1.0");
r |= test(0.975,2,"0.98");
r |= test(2.145,2,"2.15");
r |= test(2.135,2,"2.14");
r |= test(2.34,1,"2.3");
r |= test(2.35,1,"2.4");
r |= test("0.0000001",2,"0.00");
r |= test("0.0000001",7,"0.0000001");
r |= test("0.0000001",8,"0.00000010");
r |= test("0.00000015",2,"0.00");
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 01. Standard fractional numbers passed");
r=0; // test tracker
r |= test("1234567890123456789444.99",5,"1234567890123456789444.99000");
r |= test("1234567890123456789444.1445",3,"1234567890123456789444.145");
r |= test("1234567890123456789444.14451445144514451745",19,"1234567890123456789444.1445144514451445175");
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 02. Large fractional numbers passed");
r=0; // test tracker
r |= test(100,2,"100.00");
r |= test(0,5,"0.00000");
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 03. Non-fractional numbers passed");
r=0; // test tracker
r |= test(12345.6789,null,"12346");
r |= test(2.1234,null,"2");
r |= test(12345.6789,undefined,"12346");
r |= test(2.1234,undefined,"2");
r |= test(12345.6789,"","12346");
r |= test(0.1234,"","0");
r |= test(2.1234,"","2");
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 04. Undefined, Null, and Empty Digits passed");
r=0; // test tracker
r |= test(1.1155,2,"1.12");
r |= test(1.255,2,"1.26");
r |= test(1.265,2,"1.27");
r |= test(1.275,2,"1.28");
r |= test(1.285,2,"1.29");
r |= test(1.295,2,"1.30");
r |= test(2.05,1,"2.1");
r |= test(2.15,1,"2.2");
r |= test(2.55,1,"2.6");
r |= test(2.65,1,"2.7");
r |= test(2.215,2,"2.22");
r |= test(2.315,2,"2.32");
r |= test(2.715,2,"2.72");
r |= test(2.815,2,"2.82");
r |= test(2.005,2,"2.01");
r |= test(2.105,2,"2.11");
r |= test(2.405,2,"2.41");
r |= test(2.505,2,"2.51");
r |= test(2.605,2,"2.61");
r |= test(2.905,2,"2.91");
r |= test(0.00155,4,"0.0016");
r |= test(2.55,1,"2.6");
r |= test(-2.35,1,"-2.4");
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 05. Correct rounding passed");
r=0; // test tracker
r |= test(-1.125,2,"-1.13");
r |= test(-1.15,1,"-1.2");
r |= test(-1.15,1,"-1.2");
r |= test(-1.45,1,"-1.5");
r |= test(-1.65,1,"-1.7");
r |= test(-1.95,1,"-2.0");
r |= test(-2.34,1,"-2.3");
r |= test("-0.024641163062896567",3,"-0.025");
r |= test("-0.024641163062896567",16,"-0.0246411630628966");
r |= test("0.024641163062896567",16, "0.0246411630628966");
r |= test("-0.0246411630628965",16,"-0.0246411630628965");
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 06. Negative numbers rounding passed");
r=0; // test tracker
r |= test(.135,2,"0.14");    // without whole part
r |= test(-.135,2,"-0.14");
r |= test("+35.855",2,"35.86");
r |= test("0.0",2,"0.00");
r |= test("-0",2,"-0.00");       //minus 0
r |= test("-0.0",5,"-0.00000");  // minus 0
r |= test("",5,"Cannot read property of null or undefined");        // empty string
r |= test(null,5,"Cannot read property of null or undefined");      //null
r |= test(undefined,5,"Cannot read property of null or undefined"); // undefined
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 07. Special test cases passed");
r=0; // test tracker
r |= test(1.1234e1,2,"11.23");      //11.234
r |= test(1.12e2,2,"112.00");       //112
r |= test(-1.1234e2,2,"-112.34");   // -112.34
r |= test(-1.1234e2,4,"-112.3400"); // -112.34
r |= test(-1.1235e2,2,"-112.35");   // -112.35
r |= test(-1.1235e2,1,"-112.4");    // -112.4
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 08. Standard e notation numbers passed");

r=0; // test tracker
r |= test("123456789123456789.111122223333444455556666777788889999e+10",16,"1234567891234567891111222233.3344445555666678");
r |= test("1.1235678944556677e2",20,"112.35678944556677000000");
r |= test("99.1235678944556677e2",20,"9912.35678944556677000000");
if (r==0) console.log("Tests 09. Large e notation numbers passed");

if (r==0) console.log(`${"-".repeat(22)}\nAll Test Cases Passed.\n${"-".repeat(22)}`);

//             Test function
function test(n1,n2,should) {
let result = toFixed(n1,n2);
if (result !== should) {console.log(`Output   : ${result}\nShould be: ${should}`);return 1;}

于 2021-02-06T11:31:32.443 回答


        if(parseInt(float)==float)return float.toFixed(2);
        return float.toFixed(2);
于 2013-11-06T04:36:01.677 回答

这是由于 JavaScript 的浮点表示而发生的。


Number.prototype.round = function(digits) {
    digits = Math.floor(digits);
    if (isNaN(digits) || digits === 0) {
        return Math.round(this);
    if (digits < 0 || digits > 16) {
        throw 'RangeError: Number.round() digits argument must be between 0 and 16';
    var multiplicator = Math.pow(10, digits);
    return Math.round(this * multiplicator) / multiplicator;

Number.prototype.fixed = function(digits) {
    digits = Math.floor(digits);
    if (isNaN(digits) || digits === 0) {
        return Math.round(this).toString();
    var parts = this.round(digits).toString().split('.');
    var fraction = parts.length === 1 ? '' : parts[1];
    if (digits > fraction.length) {
        fraction += new Array(digits - fraction.length + 1).join('0');
    return parts[0] + '.' + fraction;


var n = 859.385;
console.log(n.round(2)); // 859.39
console.log(n.fixed(2)); // 859.39
console.log(n.round(4)); // 859.385
console.log(n.fixed(4)); // 859.3850
于 2014-03-18T10:48:54.937 回答


const round = (numberToRound, digits = 0, toFixed = false) => {
  const precision = 10 ** digits;
  const n = numberToRound * precision * (1 + Number.EPSILON);
  const roundedNumber = Math.round(n) / precision;
  return toFixed ? roundedNumber.toFixed(digits) : roundedNumber;

// rounding by half

// fixed decimals
console.log(round(0.5, 2), '( Type:',typeof round(0.5, 2), ')');
console.log(round(0.5, 2, true), '( Type:',typeof round(0.5, 2, true), ')');
console.log(round(-0.5, 2), '( Type:',typeof round(-0.5, 2), ')');
console.log(round(-0.5, 2, true), '( Type:',typeof round(-0.5, 2, true), ')');

// edge cases
console.log(round(1.005, 2) === 1.01);
console.log(round(-1.005, 2) === -1.01);
console.log(round(39.425, 2) === 39.43);
console.log(round(-39.425, 2) === -39.43);
console.log(round(1234.00000254495, 10) === 1234.000002545);
console.log(round(-1234.00000254495, 10) === -1234.0000025449);

// edge cases from other answer's comments.
console.log(round(859.385, 2));
console.log(round(859.3844, 2));
console.log(round(0.000000015, 8))
console.log(round(35.855, 2));


于 2020-10-16T05:36:20.090 回答


function round(number, precision) {
  var shift = function (number, exponent) {
    var numArray = ("" + number).split("e");
    return +(numArray[0] + "e" + (numArray[1] ? (+numArray[1] + exponent) : exponent));
  return shift(Math.round(shift(number, +precision)), -precision);


round(1.050, 1); // expected 1.1 , result 1.1  (correct)
round(1.005, 2); // expected 1.01, result 1.01 (correct)

round(3456.3456,  3); // 3456.346
round(3456.3456,  2); // 3456.35
round(3456.3456,  1); // 3456.3
round(3456.3456,  0); // 3456
round(3456.3456, -1); // 3460
round(3456.3456, -2); // 3500
round(3456.3456, -3); // 3000

round(undefined, 1        ); // NaN
round(null     , 1        ); // NaN
round("a"      , 1        ); // NaN
round(1        , null     ); // NaN
round(1        , undefined); // NaN
round(1        , "a"      ); // NaN
于 2020-02-06T15:26:24.260 回答
function toFixed(num, decimals) {
    return (Math.round((num + Number.EPSILON) * Math.pow(10, decimals)) / Math.pow(10, decimals)).toFixed(decimals)

我在这里找到了一个有效的答案->最多四舍五入到小数点后 2 位(仅在必要时)

Math.round((num + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100


于 2020-10-26T11:09:19.350 回答

这对我有用 - “hackish”

function customTofix(value, precision) {
    let decimalVal = 0;
    if (value !== null) {
        let appendValue = (((value - Math.floor(value)) !== 0) ? (precision <= (value.toString().split(".")[1].length || 0)) ? '1' : '' : '');
        decimalVal = parseFloat(value.toString() + appendValue).toFixed(precision)

    return decimalVal
于 2021-05-20T10:47:36.240 回答

这是我的解决方案,包括 3 个功能。

  1. 正确的四舍五入。
  2. 仅以数字显示。(防止科学记数法)
  3. 删除尾随零。

我将@user2823670 的答案这个结合在一起。

var roundUp = function(num, precision) {
    // Return '' if num is empty string
    if (typeof num === 'string' && !num) return '';

    // Remove exponential notation
    num = toPlainString(num);

    // Fixed round up
    var result = +((+(Math.round(+(num + 'e' + precision)) + 'e' + -precision)).toFixed(precision));

    // Remove exponential notation (once again)
    result = toPlainString(result);

    return result;

var toPlainString = function(num) {
    return ('' + num).replace(/(-?)(\d*)\.?(\d+)e([+-]\d+)/,
        function(a, b, c, d, e) {
            return e < 0
                ? b + '0.' + Array(1 - e - c.length).join(0) + c + d
                : b + c + d + Array(e - d.length + 1).join(0);
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