如何在 OpenERP 中创建看板视图?
开发者的书似乎没有关于新看板视图的任何信息,而且我在OpenERP 论坛中也没有看到任何有用的信息。
这是显示如何在 OpenERP 中开发看板视图的示例代码。
对于看板视图,您必须准备 2 个文件:(1)xml 文件和(2)css 文件。CSS 文件用于格式化看板视图。
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="resource_kanban_view">
<field name="name">any name of ur model</field>
<field name="model">object.name</field>
<field name="type">kanban</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<div class="oe_resource_vignette">
<div class="oe_resource_image">
<a type="edit"><img t-att-src="kanban_image('object.name', 'photo', record.id.value)" class="oe_resource_picture"/></a>
<div class="oe_resource_details">
<!--Here you have to write the object's field name which you want to display in kanban view -->
<li><field name="name"/></li>
<li><field name="author"/></li>
<li><field name="description"/></li>
<li><field name="available_copy"/> </li>
Their is Doc on this, KANBAN view is created based on QWEB technology, developed by OF itself, you can see the the whole lib QWEB lib and under Doc Section you can see how you can define the qWeb QWEB Template, Now if you understand it then all you just need to do is out your web template under tag in view declaration, where other systex is same as generic view declaration :
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_external_id">
<field name="name">View Name</field>
<field name="model">openerp.modelfield>
<field name="type">kanban</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="color"/>
<!--list of field to be loaded -->
<field name="list_price"/>
<!--Your Qweb based template goes here, each record will be wrapped in template so you can arrange field veyr easily in box -->
Hope this will help you.
我还看不到它的任何文档,所以你能做的最好的就是在插件项目中寻找示例。在所有 XML 文件中搜索<kanban>
. 这是来自stock 模块的示例:
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="product.product_kanban_view">
<field name="name">Product Kanban</field>
<field name="model">product.product</field>
<field name="type">kanban</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="color"/>
<field name="type"/>
<field name="product_image"/>
<field name="list_price"/>
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<div class="oe_product_vignette">
<div class="oe_product_img">
<a type="edit"><img t-att-src="kanban_image('product.product', 'product_image', record.id.value)" class="oe_product_photo"/></a>
<div class="oe_product_desc">
<h4><a type="edit"><field name="name"></field></a></h4>
<li t-if="record.type.raw_value != 'service'">Stock on hand: <field name="qty_available"/> <field name="uom_id"/></li>
<li t-if="record.type.raw_value != 'service'">Stock available: <field name="virtual_available"/> <field name="uom_id"/></li>
<li>Price: <field name="lst_price"></field></li>
<li>Cost: <field name="standard_price"></field></li>
$('.oe_product_photo').load(function() { if($(this).width() > $(this).height()) { $(this).addClass('oe_product_photo_wide') } });
只需在 xml 文件中使用 view_mode 更新此模型 =“ir.actions.act_window”,例如:
<record id="action_id" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Name1</field>
<field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name="res_model">model_name</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">kanban,tree,form,calendar,graph,gantt</field>