I want to get some domain of knowledge in opencyc KB in OWL form.. Assume we want to take fruit. Then how can I take this knowledge as OWL form? Because I want to load that file into protege as OWL ontology. So how can I do this? I already downloaded OWL files from opencyc site and I tried to load into protege. But I got error as at edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.jena.parser.ProtegeOWLParser$1.invokeARP(Unknown Source) Plz help me...


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这些文件是用 gzip 压缩的(因此是.gz扩展名)。下载后,您需要解压缩它们。我猜您使用的是 Windows:如果您使用cygwin ,您可以使用 cygwin 中的 gzip 实用程序,或者下载7zip之类的实用程序。

于 2012-04-26T07:46:10.803 回答