The default console in Ubuntu are white characters and purple background. I want to change it to green characters and black background, just like the old computer screens. I want to set all stuff to be green, including all files listed by "ls".(In the original console, different files may be shown in different colors, I do not want that).

What is more, how to set green characters in pure character environment? (Suppose I do not install X to my OS.)

Thanks a lot for your help.


2 回答 2



gnome-terminal:编辑 -> 配置文件 -> 编辑
konsole:设置 -> 配置配置文件

于 2012-04-04T07:15:40.930 回答

Bashls使用别名在输出中显示颜色。您可以取消设置该命令别名。从命令行运行unalias ls,列表命令中的颜色将变为单色。将此行添加到您的.bashrc文件中,.bashprofile以便在您的登录会话中设置它。

更改控制台颜色是非常基本的,快速的 google 将为您提供所需的所有步骤。例如这个链接。

于 2012-04-04T03:55:40.333 回答