我有一个在 Intel Mac 主机上工作的简单开发环境,但是在新 M1 中,在bundle install. 在此错误之前,我得到一些关于容器内没有 python2 的信息,通过执行apt-get python2运行前捆绑解决了这个问题。我刚刚尝试过 --with-system-v8 但错误仍然存​​在


  • 主机:MBP M1;
  • 码头工人 3.3.3;
  • 图片:红宝石:2.6.5-slim-buster;(尝试升级到 armv64 2.6.7 仍然出现同样的错误)
  • 捆绑器:2.2.9;(刚尝试降级2.1.4升级到2.2.16没有成功)
#11 544.5 [0:02:45] Still working on:
#11 544.5 [0:02:45]   v8
#11 544.5 ________ running 'vpython third_party/depot_tools/update_depot_tools_toggle.py
#11 544.5 --disable' in '/usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8-'
#11 544.5 /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8-
#11 544.5 could not resolve options: failed to resolve Python script: stat
#11 544.5 /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8-
#11 544.5 no such file or directory
#11 544.5 Error: Command 'vpython third_party/depot_tools/update_depot_tools_toggle.py
#11 544.5 --disable' returned non-zero exit status 1 in
#11 544.5 /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8-
#11 544.5 Running: gclient root
#11 544.5 Running: gclient config --spec 'solutions = [
#11 544.5   {
#11 544.5     "name": "v8",
#11 544.5     "url": "https://chromium.googlesource.com/v8/v8.git",
#11 544.5     "deps_file": "DEPS",
#11 544.5     "managed": False,
#11 544.5     "custom_deps": {},
#11 544.5   },
#11 544.5 ]
#11 544.5 '
#11 544.5 Running: gclient sync --with_branch_heads
#11 544.5 Subprocess failed with return code 2.
#11 544.5 /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8- `block in
#11 544.5 setup_build_deps!': unable to fetch v8 source (RuntimeError)
#11 544.5   from /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8- `chdir'
#11 544.5 from /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8-
#11 544.5 `setup_build_deps!'
#11 544.5 from /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8-
#11 544.5 `build_libv8!'
#11 544.5 from /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8-
#11 544.5 `install!'
#11 544.5   from extconf.rb:7:in `<main>'
#11 544.5
#11 544.5 extconf failed, exit code 1
#11 544.5
#11 544.5 Gem files will remain installed in /usr/local/bundle/gems/libv8- for
#11 544.5 inspection.
#11 544.5 Results logged to
#11 544.5 /usr/local/bundle/extensions/aarch64-linux/2.6.0/libv8-
#11 544.5
#11 544.5 An error occurred while installing libv8 (, and Bundler cannot
#11 544.5 continue.
#11 544.5 Make sure that `gem install libv8 -v ''` succeeds before bundling.
#11 544.5
#11 544.5 In Gemfile:
#11 544.5   mini_racer was resolved to 0.3.1, which depends on
#11 544.5     libv8

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