我正在将应用程序从 PHP 迁移到 Java,并且代码中大量使用了正则表达式。我在 PHP 中遇到了一些似乎没有 java 等价物的东西:



$articleText = preg_replace_callback("/\[thumb(\d+)\]/",'thumbReplace', $articleText);
# ...
function thumbReplace($matches) {
   global $photos;
   return "<img src=\"thumbs/" . $photos[$matches[1]] . "\">";

在 Java 中执行此操作的理想方法是什么?


8 回答 8


当您可以在循环中使用 appendReplacement() 和 appendTail() 时,尝试模拟 PHP 的回调功能似乎需要做很多工作:

StringBuffer resultString = new StringBuffer();
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("regex");
Matcher regexMatcher = regex.matcher(subjectString);
while (regexMatcher.find()) {
  // You can vary the replacement text for each match on-the-fly
  regexMatcher.appendReplacement(resultString, "replacement");
于 2008-12-18T10:38:36.090 回答


我不知道Java中内置了类似的东西。使用 Matcher 类,你可以毫不费力地自己动手:

import java.util.regex.*;

public class CallbackMatcher
    public static interface Callback
        public String foundMatch(MatchResult matchResult);

    private final Pattern pattern;

    public CallbackMatcher(String regex)
        this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);

    public String replaceMatches(String string, Callback callback)
        final Matcher matcher = this.pattern.matcher(string);
            final MatchResult matchResult = matcher.toMatchResult();
            final String replacement = callback.foundMatch(matchResult);
            string = string.substring(0, matchResult.start()) +
                     replacement + string.substring(matchResult.end());


final CallbackMatcher.Callback callback = new CallbackMatcher.Callback() {
    public String foundMatch(MatchResult matchResult)
        return "<img src=\"thumbs/" + matchResults.group(1) + "\"/>";

final CallbackMatcher callbackMatcher = new CallbackMatcher("/\[thumb(\d+)\]/");
callbackMatcher.replaceMatches(articleText, callback);


编辑:使它看起来更像 PHP 函数的确切功能。


public class CallbackMatcher
    public static interface Callback
        public void foundMatch(MatchResult matchResult);

    private final Pattern pattern;

    public CallbackMatcher(String regex)
        this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);

    public String findMatches(String string, Callback callback)
        final Matcher matcher = this.pattern.matcher(string);


于 2008-12-17T18:11:18.673 回答

我对这里的任何解决方案都不太满意。我想要一个无状态的解决方案。如果我的替换字符串碰巧与模式匹配,我不想最终陷入无限循环。当我这样做时,我添加了对limit参数和返回count参数的支持。(我使用 anAtomicInteger来模拟通过引用传递整数。)我将参数移动callback到参数列表的末尾,以便更容易定义匿名类。


final Map<String,String> props = new HashMap<String,String>();
props.put("MY_NAME", "Kip");
props.put("DEPT", "R&D");
props.put("BOSS", "Dave");

String subjectString = "Hi my name is ${MY_NAME} and I work in ${DEPT} for ${BOSS}";
String sRegex = "\\$\\{([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\\}";

String replacement = ReplaceCallback.replace(sRegex, subjectString, new ReplaceCallback.Callback() {
  public String matchFound(MatchResult match) {
    String group1 = match.group(1);
    if(group1 != null && props.containsKey(group1))
      return props.get(group1);
    return match.group();

System.out.println("replacement: " + replacement);

这是我的 ReplaceCallback 类版本:

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.*;

public class ReplaceCallback
  public static interface Callback {
     * This function is called when a match is made. The string which was matched
     * can be obtained via match.group(), and the individual groupings via
     * match.group(n).
    public String matchFound(MatchResult match);

   * Replaces with callback, with no limit to the number of replacements.
   * Probably what you want most of the time.
  public static String replace(String pattern, String subject, Callback callback)
    return replace(pattern, subject, -1, null, callback);

  public static String replace(String pattern, String subject, int limit, Callback callback)
    return replace(pattern, subject, limit, null, callback);

   * @param regex    The regular expression pattern to search on.
   * @param subject  The string to be replaced.
   * @param limit    The maximum number of replacements to make. A negative value
   *                 indicates replace all.
   * @param count    If this is not null, it will be set to the number of
   *                 replacements made.
   * @param callback Callback function
  public static String replace(String regex, String subject, int limit,
          AtomicInteger count, Callback callback)
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(subject);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; (limit < 0 || i < limit) && matcher.find(); i++)
      String replacement = callback.matchFound(matcher.toMatchResult());
      replacement = Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement); //probably what you want...
      matcher.appendReplacement(sb, replacement);

    if(count != null)
    return sb.toString();
于 2010-04-01T20:19:06.753 回答
public static String replace(Pattern pattern, Function<MatchResult, String> callback, CharSequence subject) {
    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(subject);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    while (m.find()) {
        m.appendReplacement(sb, callback.apply(m.toMatchResult()));
    return sb.toString();


replace(Pattern.compile("cat"), mr -> "dog", "one cat two cats in the yard")


一只狗 院子里的两只狗

于 2018-01-10T15:58:10.383 回答

Java 9 引入了Matcher#replaceAll接受 a 的方法Function<MatchResult,String>来返回给定特定匹配的替换,这非常优雅。

Patern.compile("regex").matcher("some string")
     .replaceAll(matchResult -> "something" + matchResult.group());
于 2020-12-24T01:09:04.613 回答

我发现如果您返回的字符串可以再次匹配,jdmichal 的答案将无限循环;下面是一个修改,它可以防止这种匹配出现无限循环。

public String replaceMatches(String string, Callback callback) {
    String result = "";
    final Matcher matcher = this.pattern.matcher(string);
    int lastMatch = 0;
        final MatchResult matchResult = matcher.toMatchResult();
        final String replacement = callback.foundMatch(matchResult);
        result += string.substring(lastMatch, matchResult.start()) +
        lastMatch = matchResult.end();
    if (lastMatch < string.length())
        result += string.substring(lastMatch);
    return result;
于 2009-08-05T04:16:05.517 回答


Pattern.compile("random number")
    .matcher("this is a random number")
    .replaceAll(r -> "" + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt()) 


this is a -107541873
于 2020-10-06T14:59:30.277 回答


content = ReplaceCallback.find(content, regex, new ReplaceCallback.Callback() {
    public String matches(MatchResult match) {
        // Do something special not normally allowed in regex's...
        return "newstring"


import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.Stack;

 * <p>
 * Class that provides a method for doing regular expression string replacement by passing the matched string to
 * a function that operates on the string.  The result of the operation is then used to replace the original match.
 * </p>
 * <p>Example:</p>
 * <pre>
 * ReplaceCallback.find("string to search on", "/regular(expression/", new ReplaceCallback.Callback() {
 *      public String matches(MatchResult match) {
 *          // query db or whatever...
 *          return match.group().replaceAll("2nd level replacement", "blah blah");
 *      }
 * });
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * This, in effect, allows for a second level of string regex processing.
 * </p>
public class ReplaceCallback {
    public static interface Callback {
        public String matches(MatchResult match);

    private final Pattern pattern;
    private Callback callback;

    private class Result {
        int start;
        int end;
        String replace;

     * You probably don't need this.  {@see find(String, String, Callback)}
     * @param regex     The string regex to use
     * @param callback  An instance of Callback to execute on matches
    public ReplaceCallback(String regex, final Callback callback) {
        this.pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
        this.callback = callback;

    public String execute(String string) {
        final Matcher matcher = this.pattern.matcher(string);
        Stack<Result> results = new Stack<Result>();
        while(matcher.find()) {
            final MatchResult matchResult = matcher.toMatchResult();
            Result r = new Result();
            r.replace = callback.matches(matchResult);
            if(r.replace == null)
            r.start = matchResult.start();
            r.end = matchResult.end();
        // Improve this with a stringbuilder...
        while(!results.empty()) {
            Result r = results.pop();
            string = string.substring(0, r.start) + r.replace + string.substring(r.end);
        return string;

     * If you wish to reuse the regex multiple times with different callbacks or search strings, you can create a
     * ReplaceCallback directly and use this method to perform the search and replace.
     * @param string    The string we are searching through
     * @param callback  A callback instance that will be applied to the regex match results.
     * @return  The modified search string.
    public String execute(String string, final Callback callback) {
        this.callback = callback;
        return execute(string);

     * Use this static method to perform your regex search.
     * @param search    The string we are searching through
     * @param regex     The regex to apply to the string
     * @param callback  A callback instance that will be applied to the regex match results.
     * @return  The modified search string.
    public static String find(String search, String regex, Callback callback) {
        ReplaceCallback rc = new ReplaceCallback(regex, callback);
        return rc.execute(search);
于 2008-12-17T19:59:31.387 回答