Hello all :) Just posting here to know if any of you have encountered this problem before:

Eclipse fails to launch, here is the .metadata/.log file from the workspace: http://pastebin.com/BeUwASQ4

It happened after the UI began malfunctioning after a line of length 1 500 000 got printed to the console (which I had configured to roll over 800 000 bytes, from the 100 000 default)

I think the key error in the log file is at the org.eclipse.ui.workbench plugin startup (line 42: RSEUIStartup)

IMHO the UI fails to launch because it can't handle the console again. Do you guys know how to reset the UI display from outside eclipse?

EDIT: Problem solved, thanks to Aaron! I was beginning to panic after a new install of eclipse was also crashing. I also used this answer for restoring the launch configurations I had.


1 回答 1


我不确定哪个插件会导致大多数问题,但是当 Eclipse 无法启动时,您应该:

  1. 启用控制台和调试。启动 Eclipse-console -consoleLog -debug
  2. 确保 Eclipse 使用java而不是javaw启动。否则,您将看不到输出。
  3. 要告诉 Eclipse 您要调试什么,请.options在与eclipse.ini. 在所有插件中查找.options文件,以查看您可以在此文件中放置哪些选项。这是 org.eclipse.core.runtime 包的 .options 文件

这有助于缩小问题的范围。但通常,.metadata目录中的某些文件已损坏,Eclipse 不支持识别这些文件。


于 2013-04-18T09:16:40.010 回答