问题标签 [nspoint]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
objective-c - How to read point coordinates from a file with Objective-C?
I have a file like this:
each line is the coordinate of a point.
I don't know how to write a code to do following thing: read these coordinates from the file, convert them into double and store them in an array as NSPoint.
BTW, I tried to write Objective-C++, but it seems that ifstream does not work, which is a bug of XCode.
objective-c - Getting co-ordinates of bitmap on mouseDown in NSImageView
I am working on an app where I display unsupported (by XCode) file format). So I've subclassed NSBitmapImageRep
to display it in a subclass of NSImaageView
. I've set it up to be proportionally scallable (up or down). Now I need to add a possibility to get coordinates of pixel in a bitmap. So I've ovveride mouseDown: method:
After getting NSPoint I should try to convert it to co-ordinates of a bitmap BUT first I have no idea How to solve the problem that locationInWindow returns NSPoint
of a NSImageView
, not of the bitmap which is ussually smaller and has unused margins in NSImageView
, but I can click on the margin and mouseDown event returns me NSPoint
in that margin. Do you have any idea what I shoud do?
uiview - NSPoint、CGPoint、NSSize、CGSize和NSRect、CGRect的单位是什么?
CGPoint、CGSize 和 CGRect 的单位是什么;NSSize、NSPoint 和 NSRect?
objective-c - 在当前屏幕中设置 NSWindow 位置
我是 Objective-c 的新手,我创建了一个主窗口,我想在当前屏幕的右下角显示它。我尝试了以下代码
objective-c - 找到另一个 NSPoint 最接近哪个 NSPoint 的最佳方法是什么?
我有 4 个 NSPoint,它们是矩形的 4 个角
现在我有另一个 NSPoint,这是鼠标下降的地方(mousedown_nsp)。
找到与mousedown_nsp相关的最近的 NSPoint(在 4 个矩形角 NSPoints 中)的最佳方法是什么?
我想只是做一个比较来找到mousedown_nsp和其他 4 个 NSPoints 之间的距离,然后选择最小的距离,但我觉得必须有更好的方法。
macos - Convert screen coordinate to window coordinate in Cocoa?
I've seen this question asked multiple times here, and I tried some answers, but it doesn't seem to work for me.
I'm using above code to do my conversion, but I get same coordinates for pnt.x and pnt.y no matter where mouse location is.
I noticed that this method is deprecated, but it should still work I guess, right?
Does anyone have any good suggestion on how I can do this conversion?
Any kind of help is highly appreciated!
ios - Converting NSpoint and passing the values in to CGRectMake
I am getting a point in NSPoint as:
I want to pass 273 and 534 into CGrectMake
For example:
I am not able to get the values in that NSpoint
I tried passing it to NsArray and NSDictionary. Nothing works. Pls help
I use Po command in console and found the value which i need is in NSPoint. But dont know how to convert it
macos - 鉴于单击鼠标,计算点的正确方法是什么
我的应用程序中有一个 NSView 的自定义子类。我想知道视图中的确切点,相对于它的原点,是用鼠标单击的。(即不是相对于窗口原点,而是相对于自定义视图原点)。
但是现在我收到一个警告说convertScreenToBase已被弃用,而是使用convertRectFromScreen。但是我不能从 convertRectFromScreen 得到相同的结果,而且无论如何,我对一个点感兴趣,而不是一个矩形!
swift - 证明光标位置是否在 NSButton 的框架内
我使用 获得鼠标位置NSEvent.mouseLocation()
,但这给了我相对于屏幕本身的绝对值 NSPoint
(= NSButton.frame) 而是返回一些相对坐标,指的是按钮超级视图。
objective-c - 如何从 NSView 获取每个 NSPoint,NSWindow 上的子视图?
我有 mac 应用程序,我想显示来自特定 nspoint 的工作表,我有多个具有层次结构的视图,所以,我想在(上层视图,即太阳视图的子视图)视图上选择 nspoint,在 nswindow 中获取它并从中获取工作表目标点 c. 如何做到这一点?