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php - 响应对象 - 使用 Mollie 和 Omnipay 付款

我正在尝试在我的 Laravel 项目中使用 Omnipay 和 Mollie 创建付款。我正在使用以下 2 个库:





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php - Laravel Omnipay - transactionReference 参数是必需的


他们已经集成了支付提供商Stripe 。现在我正在尝试与支付提供商Mollie合作。




当我调试我的代码时,他会进入elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {. 我被重定向到 Mollie,并且可以成功付款。但是当我被重定向回时,http://myurl.dev/e/1/checkout/success?is_payment_successful=1我得到了错误。



问题(错误)与$response = $transaction->send();.


更新 2:

我已经$gateway->setApiKey($apiKey);在我的返回函数中添加了。但问题是我的回应不成功。所以他不进去$response->isSuccessful()$response当我在他检查它是否成功之前转储我的变量时,它会显示: https ://pastebin.com/NKCsxJ7B 。


[error] => Array ( [type] => request [message] => The payment id is invalid )

Mollie 的付款方式如下所示:


更新 3:


调用未定义的方法 Omnipay\Mollie\Message\CompletePurchaseResponse::status()


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php - 结合 PHP__autoload 和 Mollie_API_Autoloader 类


尝试将原生 PHP __autoload 函数与 Mollie_API_Autoloader 类一起使用:

Mollie 自动加载器类会影响原生 PHP __autoload 类的正常运行。似乎无法将这些结合起来。我是怎么做到的?

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ruby-on-rails - Adding Mollie payments to spree

I'm currently building an webshop that's based in The Netherlands.

iDEAL is the most used online payment platform in The Netherlands and I'm trying to add this payment platform to my app. The only problem is that all current gems that support iDEAL (providers) are a couple of years old and don't work anymore with the most recent version of Spree

I've started doing research on how to add this to my app:

I've tried asking the developers of the official Ruby on Rails Mollie gem to help me create an version for Spree. Even though they couldn't help me create an version for spree, they did try to send me into the right direction.

Advising me to read the documentation and reading through the code of the following gems and use them as an example

I've looked at al the gems, read through the code, read the documentation and even tried this tutorial.

My attempts: When I try to install the most recent gem (after bundle install) with the following code bundle exec rails g spree_mollie:install

I get the following error:

I've tried looking for the cause of the problem, but couldn't find an answer it appears the rake command rake db:migrate can't be found nor can ailties:install:migrations

which I think causes the following error:

as it can't seem to find: couldn't find file 'spree/backend/spree_mollie' with type 'text/css'

citing that *= require spree/backend/spree_mollie is the cause of the problem


*= require_self *= require_tree . *= require spree/backend/spree_mollie */

I'm desperately trying to get the gem to work. I've tried creating my own gem (build from the others), but the results are the same.

GOAL: I'm trying to get add Mollie to my Spree app

PROBLEM: all current gems are outdated.

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php - WooCommerce 定制邮件的价格与客户不同

我以 20% 的折扣购买产品,然后在我的网站上以正常价格转售。当客户在我的网站上下订单时,我想发送一封额外的电子邮件,该电子邮件必须发送到我自己的电子邮件地址。

我的问题:是否可以发送一封新电子邮件,该电子邮件将发送正常的付款详细信息以及已支付的价格以及 20% 的折扣。

这将对我以折扣价购买产品有很大帮助,因此我可以将电子邮件发送给产品所有者。现在我必须计算正常价格的 20% 并将其发送给产品负责人。



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firebase - 如何将 Mollie Api 与 Firebase 云功能一起使用

我可能需要一些帮助来设置来自 mollie 的 node.js api 以及 firebase 云功能。我尝试使用部分 cloudfunction 设置贝宝指南,但还没有让它工作。我是云功能和 node.js 的新手,所以我很难完成它。我正在使用硬编码的支付属性进行测试。我正在使用 blaze 订阅能够向非 Google 服务发出请求到目前为止我拥有的代码:

这是 mollies api 指南: https ://github.com/mollie/mollie-api-node

这是贝宝云功能指南: https ://github.com/firebase/functions-samples/tree/master/paypal

更新:我更新了代码。我现在得到的错误是付款变量的所有属性都未在 procces 函数(webhook)中定义。并且 payment.isPaid() 函数说假,而它应该说真。

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php - Mollie:付款完成后无法得到回复

我正在使用laravel框架并尝试实现 Mollie 支付网关。我已经成功实施了。但是当我在付款后试图得到回复时。但即使成功后我也无法得到回应



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php - php mollie 付款定期计费



致命错误:未捕获的异常“Mollie\Api\Exceptions\ApiException”并带有消息“执行 API 调用时出错(422:无法处理的实体):没有为客户找到合适的授权。字段:客户 ID。


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php - 如何配置 mollie webhook url?

我想知道我应该在哪里配置 mollie webhook url。我在 mollie 文档中找不到任何解决方案。在我的 laravel 项目中,我已经有了路由设置和控制器。

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php - 将 SESSION + 短代码中的提交值四舍五入,带 2 位小数


之前(示例 - 如何使用):

