问题标签 [jshint]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
jshint - 有没有办法抑制给定行的 JSHint 警告?
被使用,我想仅针对这种情况禁止 JSHint 警告。
javascript - Using a config file for JSHint with Rhino
I'm attempting to run jsHint from the command line using Rhino. I want to make the check an automatic part of my teams checkin process.
I have the basic configuration working using the command:
That outputs the standard jsHint messages for my (intentionally error-ridden) sample file. And adding config comments to the top of the sample file works correctly. However I would like to add a project level config file to specify the options I want for each file without adding comments to each individual file.
I found instructions to do so for the node.js command line based tool, but have been unable to replicate this with the Rhino wrapper.
I attempted various variations on:
but that didn't seem to work for the rhino version.
Any pointers?
Found this question (Custom Settings with jshint-rhino) from a few weeks ago.
This pointed out that the following format works:
This worked for me, however I would like to specify a large amount of options and have it be easily configurable, so I would very much prefer to use a json config file as in the node.js distribution.
Could somebody confirm that this is possible/not possible?
javascript - JS 提示 - 不要在循环中创建函数
我无法绕过 JSHint 的错误消息。这是我正在使用的循环:
javascript - 擒纵机构不良 JSHint
有人知道为什么我Bad escapement
使用以下代码在 JSHint 上出现错误吗?
javascript - 如何抑制“{variable} 最好用点表示法编写。”
175,14:['tracker'] 最好用点表示法编写。
javascript - jshint 中出现错误的擒纵机构错误
出现错误:jshint 中未转义的“-”
第 3 行:var iChars = "!@#$%^&*+=[]\\\;{}|\":<>?";
jquery - 为什么 JS Lint 在 JQuery 库中报错?
为什么我收到 JS 提示错误“‘函数’后缺少空格。” 对于一个空的 mvc 3 项目?
错误在第 28 行的文件“jquery-1.5.1-vsdoc.js”中“(函数(窗口,未定义){”。
JS Lint/Hint 正在报告此文件中的最大错误数,也在“jquery-1.5.1.js”中。
我没有修改该文件 - 当我创建一个空的 MVC3 项目时它自动包含在内。
javascript - Javascript ENUM 模式命名约定
我正在开发一个需要使用 javascript“枚举”的 javascript 项目,这意味着对象如下:
JSHint 还输出以下警告:
如果没有约定,我会很感激一种命名枚举的好方法,不会将它们与类名混淆。2014 年更新:JSHint 不再这样做。
jslint - 实用且广泛认可的 jshint 设置
我们刚刚开始使用 JSHint / JSLint 并且正在寻找一些“最佳实践”类型设置,这些设置被广泛认为是严格和实用主义之间的良好折衷。我在互联网上看了看,并没有真正找到任何东西。
我意识到这完全取决于个人意见,但我原以为现在已经形成了某种共识。例如,有人知道 jquery、google、yahoo 等代码的用途吗?
jshint - JSHint 和“容忍变量阴影”
有人知道为什么这段代码不会在 JSHint 中产生错误吗?
我在使用 Visual Studio 插件时将“容忍变量阴影”设置为错误。