有没有人见过自下而上砌体的同位素定制布局?正如这里所展示的,原始 Masonry 插件中并没有那么复杂。

jQuery Masonry 自下而上



2 回答 2


I have not seen any custom layout. But, recently I changed the Isotope's js to reflect the bottom up masonary.

On line 590, Change the following code

_positionAbs : function( x, y ) {   
  return { left: x, top: y };


_positionAbs : function( x, y ) {   
  return (this.options.fromBottom) ? { left: x, bottom: y } : { left: x, top: y };

and then set the fromBottom options to true while calling. Optionally, you can add the same property in $.Isotope.settings on line 330.

P.S. I know its been two months but it may help someone.

于 2012-05-31T13:08:57.987 回答


修改 Isotope 的 _positionAbs 方法 在 Isotope 选项中设置 transformsEnabled: false 为 right/top 添加 CSS 过渡属性样式。

$.Isotope.prototype._positionAbs = function( x, y ) {
   return { right: x, top: y };

// initialize Isotope
    transformsEnabled: false
    // other options...

.isotope .isotope-item {
-webkit-transition-property: right, top, -webkit-transform, opacity;
 -moz-transition-property: right, top, -moz-transform, opacity;
  -ms-transition-property: right, top, -ms-transform, opacity;
   -o-transition-property: right, top, -o-transform, opacity;
      transition-property: right, top, transform, opacity;
于 2014-08-26T10:29:31.627 回答