没有(do (html5 ..))
当我使用具有 for 循环的嵌套 let 语句时,我无法运行内部。
(defpartial column-settings-layout [& content]
[:title "my-noir-proj"]
(include-css "assets/css/bootstrap.css")
[:image {:src "assets/img/ceva.gif" :alt "ceva-logo"}]
[:div {:style "overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden"}
[:form {:id "col_settings_form" :name "col_settings_form" :method="post" :enctype="multipart/form-data"}
[:input {:type "button" :value "Save" :onclick "ajaxWithSerialize('save_cols_response_div','/save_cols_settings',$(col_settings_form).serialize());"}]
[:table {:class "table-striped" :border "1"}
[:tr [:td {:id "processing_status" } ][:td {:id "save_cols_response_div" :colspan 6} ]]
[:tr [:td ][:td {:colspan "3"} "SP" ] [:td {:colspan "3"} "WP"]]
(let [wp_settings (session/get :wp_settings)
sp_settings (session/get :sp_settings)]
(do (html5 [:tr [:td {:colspan "7"} "jhyghjghj"]]))
(for [col (:all_cols (session/get :setting_doc))]
dest_station (keyword (session/get :dest_station))
;col_nm (:col_nm (nth col 1))
field_nm (nth col 0)
sp_col_nm (:col_nm (field_nm (dest_station sp_settings)))
wp_col_nm (:col_nm (field_nm (dest_station wp_settings)))
sp_editable (:editable (field_nm (dest_station sp_settings)))
wp_editable (:editable (field_nm (dest_station wp_settings)))
(do (html5 [:tr[:td "sfsdfgfds"]]
[:th { :align "right" :class "input-small" } field_nm ]
[:td {:title sp_editable }[:input {:type "text" :class "input-large" :name (str "page_sp[" dest_station "][" field_nm "][col_nm]") :value sp_col_nm } ] ]
[:td [:input {:type "checkbox" :name (str "page_sp[" dest_station "][" field_nm "][col_nm]") :value field_nm}]]
[:td [:input {:type "checkbox" :name (str "page_sp[" dest_station "][" field_nm "][editable]") :value field_nm}]]
[:td {:title wp_editable }[:input {:type "text" :class "input-large" :name (str "page_wp[" dest_station "][" field_nm "][col_nm]") :value wp_col_nm} ] ]
[:td [:input {:type "checkbox" :name (str "page_wp[" dest_station "][" field_nm "][col_nm]") :value field_nm}]]
[:td [:input {:type "checkbox" :name (str "page_wp[" dest_station "][" field_nm "][editable]") :value field_nm}]]
;my includes of js and css