use Mojo::DOM;
my $string =<<EOS;
<artist class="1">Pumkinsingers</artist>
<artist class="2">Max and Moritz</artist>
<title>Hello, Hello</title>
<artist class="3">Green Trees</artist>
<artist class="4">The Leons</artist>
<title>The Shield</title>
my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new ($string );
my $xpath = '/result/cd[artists/artist[@class="2"]]/title';
print "\n1 ", $dom->find( $xpath );
print "\n2 ", $dom->find( '.2' );
print "\n3 ", $dom->find( 'artist.2' );
print "\n4 ", $dom->find( 'artists artist.2' );
print "\n5 ", $dom->find( 'artists artist.2' )->[0]->parent;
print "\n6 ", $dom->find( 'artists artist.2' )->[0]->parent->parent;
print "\n7 ", $dom->find( 'artists artist.2' )->[0]->parent->parent->find('title');
print "\n8 ", $dom->find( 'artists artist.2' )->[0]->parent->parent->find('title')->[0]->text;
print "\n9 ", $dom->find( 'artists artist.2' )->[0]->parent->parent->find('title')->first->text;
$dom->find( 'artists artist.2' )->each(sub {
print "\n10 ", $_[0]->parent->parent->find('title')->first->text;
2 <artist class="2">Max and Moritz</artist>
3 <artist class="2">Max and Moritz</artist>
4 <artist class="2">Max and Moritz</artist>
5 <artists>
<artist class="1">Pumkinsingers</artist>
<artist class="2">Max and Moritz</artist>
6 <cd>
<artist class="1">Pumkinsingers</artist>
<artist class="2">Max and Moritz</artist>
<title>Hello, Hello</title>
7 <title>Hello, Hello</title>
8 Hello, Hello
9 Hello, Hello
10 Hello, Hello