I'm currently working on a project involved in deploying Windows 7 (configured to our needs) to a lot of netbooks. For that I'm planning to use Acronis Snap Deploy and to push images through ethernet. I'm currently having issues with DHCP service though, because I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate on my PC (main). I tried to use programs which run DHCP services, but they all failed for some reason.

The thing is complicated with the fact, that my PC belongs to our corporate network with our our Domain and DHCP server - I connect to the network through WiFi.

I plan to use PCs Ethernet to create my own "private netbook network" :) I have to turn off my Wireless so that my PCs DHCP won't conflict with corporate's.

So my questions are:

1) If issue IS REALLY in DHCP programs, would I able to run Windows 2003 Server from Vmware Workstation, so that it would issue IP Addresses to the netbooks?

2) If you know better ways of deploying images to multiple PCs, can you advice me on that?



2 回答 2


DHCP 通过广播工作。如果您的计算机连接到已经使用 DHCP 的公司网络,您的新 DHCP 服务器可能会响应来自其他公司 PC 的请求。你不想要那个。

您需要确保您的 DHCP 服务器无法与公司网络通信。您可以在 PC 中放置另一个网络接口(如您提到的 wifi),然后确保 DHCP 服务器仅在该非公司接口上分发地址。

除非 DHCP 客户端(上网本)也是虚拟机,否则使用虚拟化将无济于事。

于 2011-10-27T19:27:10.180 回答

上网本将插入什么网络?您正在谈论“私人上网本网络”。这是否意味着所有上网本都插入到只有您的 PC 和上网本的网络中?

如果是这样,您应该在您的 PC 上安装 DHCP 服务器并享受。上网本从您的 PC 获取 IP,没有人知道公司网络。

于 2011-10-26T08:45:43.233 回答