我有一个绑定到一些数据的datagridview。其中一个字段是电话号码,电话号码以整数形式存储在数据库中(例如 5555555555)。我正在使用另一种形式的蒙面文本框,它本身带有一个电话号码,并且它工作得很好。当它读取值时,它会应用掩码并将更改存储为数字。
我使用了来自 Microsoft SDK 的 MaskedTextBox Column 类,但它没有按预期工作。它仍在尝试将文字存储到数据库中。我将首先列出该列的代码。然后我将列出我在 MaskedTextBox 列上的类的代码。
this.Phone.DataPropertyName = "Phone1";
this.Phone.HeaderText = "Phone";
this.Phone.HidePromptOnLeave = true;
this.Phone.IncludeLiterals = false;
this.Phone.IncludePrompt = false;
this.Phone.Mask = "(999)000-0000";
this.Phone.Name = "Phone";
this.Phone.PromptChar = '\0';
this.Phone.Resizable = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTriState.True;
this.Phone.SkipLiterals = true;
this.Phone.SortMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
this.Phone.TextMaskFormat = System.Windows.Forms.MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals;
this.Phone.ValidatingType = typeof(int);
然后是 MaskedTextBox 单元格
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Microsoft.Samples.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCustomColumn
class MaskedTextBoxCell : DataGridViewTextBoxCell
private string mask;
private char promptChar;
private DataGridViewTriState includePrompt;
private DataGridViewTriState includeLiterals;
private DataGridViewTriState skipLiterals;
private DataGridViewTriState hidePromptOnLeave;
private Type validatingType;
private MaskFormat textMaskFormat;
// MaskedTextBoxCell
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of this class. Fortunately, there's
/// not much to do here except make sure that our base class is
/// also initialized properly.
/// </summary>
public MaskedTextBoxCell() : base()
this.mask = "";
this.promptChar = '_';
this.includePrompt = DataGridViewTriState.NotSet;
this.includeLiterals = DataGridViewTriState.NotSet;
this.hidePromptOnLeave = DataGridViewTriState.NotSet;
this.skipLiterals = DataGridViewTriState.NotSet;
this.validatingType = typeof(string);
this.textMaskFormat = MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals;
/// Whenever the user is to begin editing a cell of this type, the editing
/// control must be created, which in this column type's
/// case is a subclass of the MaskedTextBox control.
/// This routine sets up all the properties and values
/// on this control before the editing begins.
public override void InitializeEditingControl(int rowIndex,
object initialFormattedValue,
DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle)
MaskedTextBoxEditingControl mtbec;
MaskedTextBoxColumn mtbcol;
DataGridViewColumn dgvc;
base.InitializeEditingControl(rowIndex, initialFormattedValue,
mtbec = DataGridView.EditingControl as MaskedTextBoxEditingControl;
// set up props that are specific to the MaskedTextBox
dgvc = this.OwningColumn; // this.DataGridView.Columns[this.ColumnIndex];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxColumn)
mtbcol = dgvc as MaskedTextBoxColumn;
// get the mask from this instance or the parent column.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.mask))
mtbec.Mask = mtbcol.Mask;
mtbec.Mask = this.mask;
// prompt char.
mtbec.PromptChar = this.PromptChar;
// IncludePrompt
if (this.includePrompt == DataGridViewTriState.NotSet)
//mtbec.IncludePrompt = mtbcol.IncludePrompt;
//mtbec.IncludePrompt = BoolFromTri(this.includePrompt);
// IncludeLiterals
if (this.includeLiterals == DataGridViewTriState.NotSet)
//mtbec.IncludeLiterals = mtbcol.IncludeLiterals;
//mtbec.IncludeLiterals = BoolFromTri(this.includeLiterals);
if (this.hidePromptOnLeave == DataGridViewTriState.NotSet)
//mtbec.HidePromptOnLeave = mtbcol.HidePromptOnLeave;
//mtbec.HidePromptOnLeave = BoolFromTri(this.hidePromptOnLeave);
if (this.skipLiterals == DataGridViewTriState.NotSet)
//mtbec.skipLiterals = mtbcol.SkipLiterals;
//mtbec.skipLiterals = BoolFromTri(this.SkipLiterals);
// Finally, the validating type ...
if (this.ValidatingType == null)
mtbec.ValidatingType = mtbcol.ValidatingType;
mtbec.ValidatingType = this.ValidatingType;
//if (this.TextMaskFormat == null)
// mtbec.TextMaskFormat = mtbcol.TextMaskFormat;
// mtbec.TextMaskFormat = this.TextMaskFormat;
mtbec.Text = (string)this.Value;
// Returns the type of the control that will be used for editing
// cells of this type. This control must be a valid Windows Forms
// control and must implement IDataGridViewEditingControl.
public override Type EditType
return typeof(MaskedTextBoxEditingControl);
// A string value containing the Mask against input for cells of
// this type will be verified.
public virtual string Mask
return this.mask;
this.mask = value;
// The character to use for prompting for new input.
public virtual char PromptChar
return this.promptChar;
this.promptChar = value;
public virtual DataGridViewTriState SkipLiterals
return this.skipLiterals;
this.skipLiterals = value;
// A boolean indicating whether to include prompt characters in
// the Text property's value.
public virtual DataGridViewTriState IncludePrompt
return this.includePrompt;
this.includePrompt = value;
// A boolean value indicating whether to include literal characters
// in the Text property's output value.
public virtual DataGridViewTriState IncludeLiterals
return this.includeLiterals;
this.includeLiterals = value;
// A Type object for the validating type.
public virtual Type ValidatingType
return this.validatingType;
this.validatingType = value;
public virtual DataGridViewTriState HidePromptOnLeave
return this.hidePromptOnLeave;
this.hidePromptOnLeave = value;
public virtual MaskFormat TextMaskFormat
return this.textMaskFormat;
this.textMaskFormat = value;
// Quick routine to convert from DataGridViewTriState to boolean.
// True goes to true while False and NotSet go to false.
protected static bool BoolFromTri(DataGridViewTriState tri)
return (tri == DataGridViewTriState.True) ? true : false;
现在是 MaskedTextBox 列
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Microsoft.Samples.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCustomColumn
// The base object for the custom column type. Programmers manipulate
// the column types most often when working with the DataGridView, and
// this one sets the basics and Cell Template values controlling the
// default behaviour for cells of this column type.
public class MaskedTextBoxColumn : DataGridViewColumn
private string mask;
private char promptChar;
private bool includePrompt;
private bool includeLiterals;
private Type validatingType;
private bool skipLiterals;
private bool hidePromptOnLeave;
private MaskFormat textMaskFormat;
// Initializes a new instance of this class, making sure to pass
// to its base constructor an instance of a MaskedTextBoxCell
// class to use as the basic template.
public MaskedTextBoxColumn(): base(new MaskedTextBoxCell())
// Routine to convert from boolean to DataGridViewTriState.
private static DataGridViewTriState TriBool(bool value)
return value ? DataGridViewTriState.True
: DataGridViewTriState.False;
// The template cell that will be used for this column by default,
// unless a specific cell is set for a particular row.
// A MaskedTextBoxCell cell which will serve as the template cell
// for this column.
public override DataGridViewCell CellTemplate
return base.CellTemplate;
// Only cell types that derive from MaskedTextBoxCell are supported as the cell template.
if (value != null && !value.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(MaskedTextBoxCell)))
string s = "Cell type is not based upon the MaskedTextBoxCell.";//CustomColumnMain.GetResourceManager().GetString("excNotMaskedTextBox");
throw new InvalidCastException(s);
base.CellTemplate = value;
// Indicates the Mask property that is used on the MaskedTextBox
// for entering new data into cells of this type.
// See the MaskedTextBox control documentation for more details.
public virtual string Mask
return this.mask;
MaskedTextBoxCell mtbc;
DataGridViewCell dgvc;
int rowCount;
if (this.mask != value)
this.mask = value;
// first, update the value on the template cell.
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)this.CellTemplate;
mtbc.Mask = value;
// now set it on all cells in other rows as well.
if (this.DataGridView != null && this.DataGridView.Rows != null)
rowCount = this.DataGridView.Rows.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++)
dgvc = this.DataGridView.Rows.SharedRow(x).Cells[x];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxCell)
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)dgvc;
mtbc.Mask = value;
// By default, the MaskedTextBox uses the underscore (_) character
// to prompt for required characters. This propertly lets you
// choose a different one.
// See the MaskedTextBox control documentation for more details.
public virtual char PromptChar
return this.promptChar;
MaskedTextBoxCell mtbc;
DataGridViewCell dgvc;
int rowCount;
if (this.promptChar != value)
this.promptChar = value;
// first, update the value on the template cell.
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)this.CellTemplate;
mtbc.PromptChar = value;
// now set it on all cells in other rows as well.
if (this.DataGridView != null && this.DataGridView.Rows != null)
rowCount = this.DataGridView.Rows.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++)
dgvc = this.DataGridView.Rows.SharedRow(x).Cells[x];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxCell)
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)dgvc;
mtbc.PromptChar = value;
// Indicates whether any unfilled characters in the mask should be
// be included as prompt characters when somebody asks for the text
// of the MaskedTextBox for a particular cell programmatically.
// See the MaskedTextBox control documentation for more details.
public virtual bool IncludePrompt
return this.includePrompt;
MaskedTextBoxCell mtbc;
DataGridViewCell dgvc;
int rowCount;
if (this.includePrompt != value)
this.includePrompt = value;
// first, update the value on the template cell.
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)this.CellTemplate;
mtbc.IncludePrompt = TriBool(value);
// now set it on all cells in other rows as well.
if (this.DataGridView != null && this.DataGridView.Rows != null)
rowCount = this.DataGridView.Rows.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++)
dgvc = this.DataGridView.Rows.SharedRow(x).Cells[x];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxCell)
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)dgvc;
mtbc.IncludePrompt = TriBool(value);
public virtual bool HidePromptOnLeave
return this.hidePromptOnLeave;
MaskedTextBoxCell mtbc;
DataGridViewCell dgvc;
int rowCount;
if (this.hidePromptOnLeave != value)
this.hidePromptOnLeave = value;
// first, update the value on the template cell.
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)this.CellTemplate;
mtbc.SkipLiterals = TriBool(value);
// now set it on all cells in other rows as well.
if (this.DataGridView != null && this.DataGridView.Rows != null)
rowCount = this.DataGridView.Rows.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++)
dgvc = this.DataGridView.Rows.SharedRow(x).Cells[x];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxCell)
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)dgvc;
mtbc.SkipLiterals = TriBool(value);
public virtual bool SkipLiterals
return this.skipLiterals;
MaskedTextBoxCell mtbc;
DataGridViewCell dgvc;
int rowCount;
if (this.skipLiterals != value)
this.skipLiterals = value;
// first, update the value on the template cell.
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)this.CellTemplate;
mtbc.HidePromptOnLeave = TriBool(value);
// now set it on all cells in other rows as well.
if (this.DataGridView != null && this.DataGridView.Rows != null)
rowCount = this.DataGridView.Rows.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++)
dgvc = this.DataGridView.Rows.SharedRow(x).Cells[x];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxCell)
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)dgvc;
mtbc.HidePromptOnLeave = TriBool(value);
// Controls whether or not literal (non-prompt) characters should
// be included in the output of the Text property for newly entered
// data in a cell of this type.
// See the MaskedTextBox control documentation for more details.
public virtual bool IncludeLiterals
return this.includeLiterals;
MaskedTextBoxCell mtbc;
DataGridViewCell dgvc;
int rowCount;
if (this.includeLiterals != value)
this.includeLiterals = value;
// first, update the value on the template cell.
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)this.CellTemplate;
mtbc.IncludeLiterals = TriBool(value);
// now set it on all cells in other rows as well.
if (this.DataGridView != null && this.DataGridView.Rows != null)
rowCount = this.DataGridView.Rows.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++)
dgvc = this.DataGridView.Rows.SharedRow(x).Cells[x];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxCell)
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)dgvc;
mtbc.IncludeLiterals = TriBool(value);
// Indicates the type against any data entered in the MaskedTextBox
// should be validated. The MaskedTextBox control will attempt to
// instantiate this type and assign the value from the contents of
// the text box. An error will occur if it fails to assign to this
// type.
// See the MaskedTextBox control documentation for more details.
public virtual Type ValidatingType
return this.validatingType;
MaskedTextBoxCell mtbc;
DataGridViewCell dgvc;
int rowCount;
if (this.validatingType != value)
this.validatingType = value;
// first, update the value on the template cell.
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)this.CellTemplate;
mtbc.ValidatingType = value;
// now set it on all cells in other rows as well.
if (this.DataGridView != null && this.DataGridView.Rows != null)
rowCount = this.DataGridView.Rows.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++)
dgvc = this.DataGridView.Rows.SharedRow(x).Cells[x];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxCell)
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)dgvc;
mtbc.ValidatingType = value;
public virtual MaskFormat TextMaskFormat
return this.textMaskFormat;
MaskedTextBoxCell mtbc;
DataGridViewCell dgvc;
int rowCount;
if (this.textMaskFormat != value)
this.textMaskFormat = value;
// first, update the value on the template cell.
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)this.CellTemplate;
mtbc.TextMaskFormat = value;
// now set it on all cells in other rows as well.
if (this.DataGridView != null && this.DataGridView.Rows != null)
rowCount = this.DataGridView.Rows.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++)
dgvc = this.DataGridView.Rows.SharedRow(x).Cells[x];
if (dgvc is MaskedTextBoxCell)
mtbc = (MaskedTextBoxCell)dgvc;
mtbc.TextMaskFormat = value;