我的意思是尝试学习一点,并在使用 JSON 时与我认为基本的 Group By、Order By、... 进行斗争。


$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
$response = $response | Sort-Object -property completed, Count
$response = $response | Group-Object -property userId, completed, Count
$response = $response | Select-Object -property name, Count
$response | ft

我要做的只是生成一个 3 列表:userId、已完成、按已完成和 Count 排序的计数,但似乎无法完全正确。


userId  completed   Count
5   false   8
10  false   8
1   false   9
8   false   9
7   false   11
2   false   12
9   false   12
3   false   13
4   false   14
6   false   14
4   true    6
6   true    6
3   true    7
2   true    8
9   true    8
7   true    9
1   true    11
8   true    11
5   true    12
10  true    12

有人可以帮助我。一旦我得到 1 个功能示例,我就可以开始了。



1 回答 1


You want to group on userId - nothing else:

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
$groupedByUserId = $response |Group-Object -Property userId

This will already give use the correct Count property, and the Name property will have the userId value we're interested in, so all we need to construct is the completed count:

$groupedWithCounts = $groupedByUserId |Select-Object -Property @{Name='userId';Expression='Name'},@{Name='completed';Expression={@($_.Group |Where-Object completed).Count}},Count

At this point we can sort in the desired order (here by completed count, then count, then user id):

$sortedGroups = $groupedWithCounts |Sort-Object completed,Count,userId

Putting it all together:

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json

$groupedByUserId = $response |Group-Object -Property userId
$groupedWithCounts = $groupedByUserId |Select-Object -Property @{Name='userId';Expression='Name'},@{Name='completed';Expression={@($_.Group |Where-Object completed).Count}},Count
$sortedGroups = $groupedWithCounts |Sort-Object completed,Count,userId

$sortedGroups |Format-Table


userId completed Count
------ --------- -----
4              6    20
6              6    20
3              7    20
2              8    20
9              8    20
7              9    20
1             11    20
8             11    20
10            12    20
5             12    20

Much like Select-Object, Sort-Object accepts more complex property expressions than just property names:

PS ~> $groupedWithCounts |Sort-Object @{Expression='completed';Descending=$true},{$_.userId -as [long]}

userId completed Count
------ --------- -----
5             12    20
10            12    20
1             11    20
8             11    20
7              9    20
2              8    20
9              8    20
3              7    20
4              6    20
6              6    20
于 2021-10-20T01:03:36.460 回答