我有一个自动生成的接口和实现,它定义了 3000 多个方法,并为每个方法定义了各自的异步签名。总共有 6,000 多种方法。

我想弄清楚哪些没有使用。这是我到目前为止的 CQLinq:

// Unused methods in the interface
let notUsed1 = new HashSet<IMethod>( 
from t in JustMyCode.Types 
where t.Name == "IDataProcessor"
from m in t.Methods 
where !m.HasAttribute("xyz.CoreService.CoreServiceOperationAttribute") &&  !m.MethodsCallingMe.Any()
select m)
// Unused methods in the concrete implementation of the interface
let notUsed2 =
from t in JustMyCode.Types 
where t.Name == "DataProcessor"
from m in t.Methods 
where m.HasAttribute("System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute") && !m.MethodsCallingMe.Any()
// Obtain the methods in the intersection
select m
from m in notUsed2 where notUsed1.Contains(m.OverriddensBase.Single())
let baseName = m.SimpleName.Replace("Async", "")
group m by baseName into g
select new { g } 


Ln 18  Col 8  Type {IGrouping`2<String,IMethod>} not accepted to type first result argument.
Only IMethod, IField, IType, INamespace, IAssembly, IMember, ICodeElement, ICodeElementParent, ICodeContainer, IIssue and IRule are accepted to type first result argument.

看来group是无计可施了。我的想法是按基本名称(同步和异步签名相同)对方法进行分组,并选择那些具有 2 个项目的条目。但看起来我的计划行不通,因为不支持分组。



1 回答 1



// Collect the sync methods
let syncMethods = (
from t in JustMyCode.Types 
where t.Name == "IDataProcessor"
from m in t.Methods 
where !m.HasAttribute("xyz.CoreService.CoreServiceOperationAttribute") && !m.IsAsync
select m).ToDictionary(m => m.SimpleName)
// Unused methods in the interface
let notUsed1 = new HashSet<IMethod>( 
from t in JustMyCode.Types 
where t.Name == "IDataProcessor"
from m in t.Methods 
where !m.HasAttribute("xyz.CoreService.CoreServiceOperationAttribute") && !m.MethodsCallingMe.Any()
select m)
// Unused methods in the concrete implementation of the interface
let notUsed2 =
from t in JustMyCode.Types 
where t.Name == "DataProcessor"
from m in t.Methods 
where m.HasAttribute("System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute") && !m.MethodsCallingMe.Any()
// Select methods in the intersection
select m
from m in notUsed2 where notUsed1.Contains(m.OverriddensBase.Single())
let syncMethod = syncMethods[m.SimpleName.Replace("Async", "")]
group m by syncMethod into g     // group by the respective sync method
where g.Count() == 2     // return if both sync and async signatures are not used
select new { g.Key }


于 2021-01-23T18:59:33.530 回答