我知道我可以根据 Spamhaus 和 co 等黑名单检查 IP 地址和域,但有什么方法可以阻止iamaspammer@gmail.com我在我的网站上注册?


1 回答 1


most form spam is created with fake/invalid email adresses which are only used once, so creating a blacklist is pretty useless.

it's way more effective to block known bot IPs and malicious URLs in the form body.

I also suggest securing your form with a good captcha.

If you don't want to bother your users with captchas, there is a less obtrusive, but also less effective trick: create a additional form field and hide it via css. only accept the form if this field was submitted empty. many bots usually fill out all fields, so you can reject the form if this hidden field has any content.

于 2011-06-23T09:38:14.543 回答