我试图从Sharp-snmp 样本中找出这段代码。
我正在使用 vb.net SET 示例。
Public Sub New(id As Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.ObjectIdentifier, data As Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.ISnmpData)
Member of Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable
Public Sub New(id As UInteger(), data As Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.ISnmpData)
Member of Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable
我的 Name 语法是错误的,还是它必须是 OID 整数?当我使用它运行的 OID 时,当我使用它的名称时它就死了。
System_Operation_Mode.0 'name 'oid
这是 SET 示例的一部分,它在代码底部的 asterix ** 处死亡。Extra(i) 填写的是上面的 Name 而不是 OID。
ReDim args(3)
args(0) = "" 'IP Address
args(1) = NetworkConfig.addrModeStringCommand 'command string name System_Operation_Mode.0
args(2) = "i" 'tell it what data type you are sending
args(3) = NetworkConfig.StaticMode 'mode you want from the IPNetwork, in this case static
Dim p As OptionSet = New OptionSet().Add("c:", "Community name, (default is public)", Sub(v As String)
If v IsNot Nothing Then
community = v
End If
End Sub) _
.Add("l:", "Security level, (default is noAuthNoPriv)", Sub(v As String)
If v.ToUpperInvariant() = "NOAUTHNOPRIV" Then
level = Levels.Reportable
ElseIf v.ToUpperInvariant() = "AUTHNOPRIV" Then
level = Levels.Authentication Or Levels.Reportable
ElseIf v.ToUpperInvariant() = "AUTHPRIV" Then
level = Levels.Authentication Or Levels.Privacy Or Levels.Reportable
Throw New ArgumentException("no such security mode: " & v)
End If
End Sub) _
.Add("a:", "Authentication method (MD5 or SHA)", Sub(v As String)
authentication = v
End Sub) _
.Add("A:", "Authentication passphrase", Sub(v As String)
authPhrase = v
End Sub) _
.Add("x:", "Privacy method", Sub(v As String)
privacy = v
End Sub) _
.Add("X:", "Privacy passphrase", Sub(v As String)
privPhrase = v
End Sub) _
.Add("u:", "Security name", Sub(v As String)
user = v
End Sub) _
.Add("C:", "Context name", Sub(v As String)
contextName = v
End Sub) _
.Add("h|?|help", "Print this help information.", Sub(v As String)
showHelp__1 = v IsNot Nothing
End Sub) _
.Add("V", "Display version number of this application.", Sub(v As String)
showVersion = v IsNot Nothing
End Sub) _
.Add("d", "Display message dump", Sub(v As String)
dump = True
End Sub) _
.Add("t:", "Timeout value (unit is second).", Sub(v As String)
timeout = Integer.Parse(v) * 1000
End Sub) _
.Add("r:", "Retry count (default is 0)", Sub(v As String)
retry = Integer.Parse(v)
End Sub) _
.Add("v:", "SNMP version (1, 2, and 3 are currently supported)", Sub(v As String)
Select Case Integer.Parse(v)
Case 1
version = VersionCode.V1
Exit Select
Case 2
version = VersionCode.V2
Exit Select
Case 3
version = VersionCode.V3
Exit Select
Case Else
Throw New ArgumentException("no such version: " & v)
End Select
End Sub)
If args.Length = 0 Then
End If
Dim extra As List(Of String)
extra = p.Parse(args)
Catch ex As OptionException
End Try
If showHelp__1 Then
End If
If (extra.Count - 1) Mod 3 <> 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("invalid variable number: " & extra.Count)
End If
If showVersion Then
End If
Dim ip As IPAddress
Dim parsed As Boolean = IPAddress.TryParse(extra(0), ip)
If Not parsed Then
For Each address As IPAddress In Dns.GetHostAddresses(extra(0))
If address.AddressFamily <> AddressFamily.InterNetwork Then
Continue For
End If
ip = address
Exit For
If ip Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("invalid host or wrong IP address found: " & extra(0))
End If
End If
Dim vList As New List(Of Variable)()
Dim i As Integer = 1
While i < extra.Count
Dim type As String = extra(i + 1)
If type.Length <> 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("invalid type string: " & type)
End If
Dim data As ISnmpData
Select Case type(0)
Case "i"c
data = New Integer32(Integer.Parse(extra(i + 2)))
Exit Select
Case "u"c
data = New Gauge32(UInteger.Parse(extra(i + 2)))
Exit Select
Case "t"c
data = New TimeTicks(UInteger.Parse(extra(i + 2)))
Exit Select
Case "a"c
data = New IP(IPAddress.Parse(extra(i + 2)).GetAddressBytes())
Exit Select
Case "o"c
data = New ObjectIdentifier(extra(i + 2))
Exit Select
Case "x"c
data = New OctetString(ByteTool.Convert(extra(i + 2)))
Exit Select
Case "s"c
data = New OctetString(extra(i + 2))
Exit Select
Case "d"c
data = New OctetString(ByteTool.ConvertDecimal(extra(i + 2)))
Exit Select
Case "n"c
data = New Null()
Exit Select
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("unknown type string: " & type(0))
End Select
Dim test As New Variable(*New ObjectIdentifier(extra(i))*, data)
i = i + 3
End While
我一直在使用“名称”而不是“OID”有没有办法改变它可以读取,或者将它们转换?还是我必须回去使用 OID?