我不是 Java 开发人员,所以也许我因此而遗漏了一些东西,但我只是不明白如何使用 schemaspy 为 SQLite 数据库创建 ERD。我发现的文档令人困惑并且散落在各处。目前我只是在尝试使用 chinook.db 示例数据库。


java -jar schemaspy-6.1.0.jar -t sqlite -db chinook.db -u admin -o .


INFO  - The following profiles are active: default
INFO  - Started Main in 0.937 seconds (JVM running for 1.232)
INFO  - Starting schema analysis
WARN  - Connection Failure
Failed to connect to database URL [jdbc:sqlite:/chinook.db] opening db: '/chinook.db': Read-only file system
INFO  - StackTraces have been omitted, use `-debug` when executing SchemaSpy to see them

我不明白只读试图告诉我什么,因为这是在我的 Mac 上我自己的目录中执行的。

我已经下载了最新的 SQLite JDBC 驱动程序并尝试了这个命令行:

java -jar schemaspy-6.1.0.jar -t sqlite -dp sqlite-jdbc-3.30.1.jar -db chinook.db -u admin -o .


INFO  - The following profiles are active: default
INFO  - Started Main in 0.706 seconds (JVM running for 0.996)
INFO  - Starting schema analysis
WARN  - Connection Failure
Failed to connect to database URL [jdbc:sqlite:/chinook.db] Failed to create any of 'org.sqlite.JDBC' driver from driverPath 'sqlite-jdbc-3.30.1.jar' with sibling jars no.
Resulting in classpath: empty
There were missing paths in driverPath:
Use commandline option '-dp' to specify driver location.
If you need to load sibling jars used '-loadjars'
INFO  - StackTraces have been omitted, use `-debug` when executing SchemaSpy to see them

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