
这是我目前的尝试,我不清楚改进此算法的最佳方法,因为这是我 GA 学习的早期阶段。

我正在使用 Java 库 Jenetics,它非常适合我入门,这里是引擎。

        final Engine<EnumGene<Seat>, Double> ENGINE = Engine
                .builder(SeatingFitness::fitness, encoding)
                .selector(new RouletteWheelSelector<>())
                        new PartiallyMatchedCrossover<>(0.2),
                        new Mutator<>(0.01)


    static final ISeq<Seat> seats = ISeq.of(createSeats());
    static final Codec<ISeq<Seat>, EnumGene<Seat>> encoding = Codecs.ofPermutation(seats);

    public static List<Seat> createSeats() {
        return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
                new Seat("Group C", 1),
                new Seat("Group A", 2),
                new Seat("Group B", 3)
                .....more seats here....)


基本上我所做的只是找到组中每个座位的 x 和 y 坐标,并计算每个座位与组中其他座位的距离,并将这些值相加。值越低越好,因此Optimize.MINIMUM在引擎中

private static int numberOfSeatsInRow = 8;

    public static double fitness(final ISeq<Seat> seats) {

        AtomicDouble score = new AtomicDouble();
        // Group together all the seats that belong to a particular group.
        Map<String, List<Seat>> grouping = seats.stream().collect(groupingBy(Seat::getGroup));

        grouping.forEach((group, groupsSeats) -> {
            // Find the location in the overall list of the seats for the group.
            if (!group.equals(Seat.EMPTY_SEAT)) {
                List<Integer> indexOfSeatInOverallList = groupsSeats.stream().map(seats::indexOf).collect(Collectors.toList());
                if (indexOfSeatInOverallList.size() > 2) {
                    // Get the first element positioned correctly on the x and y axis

                    double totalCalculated = indexOfSeatInOverallList.stream().reduce(0, (subTotal, currentElement) -> {

                        int xReferenceCoordinate = calculateXCoordinate(currentElement);
                        int yReferenceCoordinate = calculateYCoordinate(currentElement);

                        double totalDistance = 0;
                        int multiplier = groupsSeats.size() <= numberOfSeatsInRow ? 10 : 500;
                        for (Integer integer : indexOfSeatInOverallList) {
                            int xSecondary = calculateXCoordinate(integer);
                            int ySecondary = calculateYCoordinate(integer);
                            if (ySecondary != yReferenceCoordinate) {
                                totalDistance += multiplier * Math.abs(yReferenceCoordinate - ySecondary);
                            totalDistance += calculateDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(xReferenceCoordinate, yReferenceCoordinate, xSecondary, ySecondary);

                        return (int) totalDistance;


        return score.get();

    private static int calculateXCoordinate(int positionInList) {
        int xPosition = positionInList % numberOfSeatsInRow;
        if (xPosition == 0) {
            xPosition = numberOfSeatsInRow;
        return xPosition;

    private static int calculateYCoordinate(int positionInList) {
        int xPosition = positionInList % numberOfSeatsInRow;
        int yPosition = positionInList / numberOfSeatsInRow;
        if (xPosition == 0) {
            yPosition = yPosition - 1;

        return yPosition + 1;

    private static double calculateDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
       // https://dqydj.com/2d-distance-calculator/
        double xValue = Math.pow((x2 - x1), 2);
        double yValue = Math.pow((y2 - y1), 2);
        return Math.sqrt(xValue + yValue);

请参阅下面的结果图像,您可以看到它非常好(尽管运行大约需要 3 分钟才能产生正确的结果)。



2 回答 2



private static final ISeq<Seat> SEATS = ISeq.of(
    new Seat("Group C", 1),
    new Seat("Group A", 2),
    new Seat("Group B", 3)

private static final Map<String, List<Seat>> SEAT_GROUPS = SEATS.stream()


double totalCalculated = indexOfSeatInOverallList.stream()
    .reduce(0, (subTotal, currentElement) -> {
            // subTotal is ignored in your code, but should be added to the result.
            return (int) totalDistance + subTotal;


double distance(final int x1, final int y1, final int x2, final int y2) {
    // sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
    return Math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);


private static final int SEATS_PER_ROW = 8;

private static final ISeq<Seat> SEATS = ISeq.of(
    new Seat("Group C", 1),
    new Seat("Group A", 2),
    new Seat("Group B", 3)

private static final Map<String, List<Seat>> SEAT_GROUPS = SEATS.stream()

public static double fitness(final ISeq<Seat> seats) {
    double score = 0;

    for (var entry : SEAT_GROUPS.entrySet()) {
        final var group = entry.getKey();
        final var groupsSeats = entry.getValue();
        final int multiplier = groupsSeats.size() <= SEATS_PER_ROW ? 10 : 500;

        if (!group.equals(Seat.EMPTY_SEAT)) {
            final int[] indexes = groupsSeats.stream()

            if (indexes.length > 2) {
                final double dist = IntStream.of(indexes)
                    .reduce(0, (a, b) -> toDistance(multiplier, indexes, a, b));

                score += dist;

    return score;

private static int toDistance(
    final int multiplier,
    final int[] indexes,
    final int sum,
    final int index
) {
    final int x1 = toX(index);
    final int y = toY(index);

    int total = 0;
    for (int i : indexes) {
        final int x2 = toX(i);
        final int y2 = toY(i);
        if (y2 != y) {
            total += multiplier*Math.abs(y - y2);
        total += distance(x1, y, x2, y2);

    return sum + total;

private static double distance(final int x1, final int y1, final int x2, final int y2) {
    // sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
    return Math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);

private static int toX(final int index) {
    int x = index%SEATS_PER_ROW;
    if (x == 0) {
        x = SEATS_PER_ROW;
    return x;

private static int toY(final int index) {
    final int x = index%SEATS_PER_ROW;
    int y = index/SEATS_PER_ROW;
    if (x == 0) {
        y = y - 1;
    return y + 1;
于 2020-06-24T16:32:33.763 回答


final Engine<EnumGene<Seat>, Double> ENGINE = Engine
    .builder(SeatingFitness::fitness, encoding)
    .selector(new RouletteWheelSelector<>())
        new PartiallyMatchedCrossover<>(0.2),
        new SwapMutator<>(0.01))


于 2020-06-24T06:28:56.060 回答