最近 Spark AR 得到了更新,我所有使用脚本的效果现在都出现了这个错误:

Error: EACCES: permission denied, copyfile '/Users/user/Library/Caches/Facebook/Spark AR Studio/Projects.../ script.js ->  '/Users/rbkavin/Library/Caches/Facebook/Spark AR Projects/.../app/script.js {
"line": 1
"column": 16
"sourceURL": "file:///" }


在 MacOS Mojave 上工作时,该问题在上次 Spark AR 更新后开始出现。


2 回答 2


I don't know if it fixes the error forever, but restarting Spark AR fixed it. Anyway, I have experienced all kind of bugs and errors that get fixed after relaunch, so make yourself a favour and save the project :)

Also a guy on facebook commented me that this is a very common issue on macOS Mojave and Catalina and disabling “com.apple.quarantine” should do the job.

p.s. if you know any forum or place where we could suggest auto save, please comment on it

于 2019-11-25T21:24:52.857 回答

在授予 Spark AR Studio 的全盘访问权限后,我解决了这个问题。为此,请转到系统偏好设置 -> 安全和隐私。然后选择隐私选项卡。从“+”按钮向下滚动到 Full Disk Access 并添加 Spark AR Studio。

于 2020-05-08T06:24:35.683 回答