我是 JavaScript 和 Dojo 的新手,所以请多多包涵。我正在尝试使用 DataSeries 对象创建一个饼图,如下所示:

var skillStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({
    url: "/data/skillhead.json"

function formatPieChartData(store, item) {
  var tooltips = {
    AVAILABLE: "Available agents",
    ONACD: "Agents on ACD calls",
    INACW: "Agents in ACW",
    INAUX: "Agents in AUX",
    AGINRING: "Agents with ringing phones",
    OTHER: "Agents otherwise occupied",

  var ivalue = store.getValue(item, "value");
  var legend = store.getValue(item, "legend");
  var tooltip = tooltips[store.getValue(item, "field")];

  var o = { y: ivalue, legend: legend, tooltip: tooltip }
  return o;

/* This is how the data looks like after massaging
var chartData = [
    { y: 10, legend: "AVAIL", tooltip: "Available agents" },
    { y: 20, legend: "ONACD", tooltip: "Agents on ACD calls" },
    { y: 30, legend: "INACW", tooltip: "Agents in ACW" },
    { y: 40, legend: "INAUX", tooltip: "Agents in AUX" },
    { y: 50, legend: "INRING", tooltip: "Agents with ringing phones" },
    { y: 60, legend: "OTHER", tooltip: "Agents otherwise occupied" }

var series = new dojox.charting.DataSeries(skillStore,
    { query: {
        field: new RegExp("INACW|INAUX|AGINRING|OTHER|" +
    } },

dojo.addOnLoad( function() {

chart = new dojox.charting.Chart("chartNode");

chart.addPlot("default", {
    type: "Pie",
    radius: 85,
    labels: false,
    ticks: false,
    markers: false
chart.addSeries("default", series);

var highlight = new dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight(chart, "default");
var tip = new dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip(chart, "default");


legend = new dojox.charting.widget.Legend({
        chart: chart,
        horizontal: false,
        style: "font-size: 11px;",

setTimeout(function(){ legend.refresh() }, 1000);

它工作正常,除了一件事:我不喜欢固定超时。数据加载后我要刷新图例,否则不显示;但是我不知道要附加哪个事件以便在获取数据后立即刷新图例。我看到 DataSeries 类有 onFetchError 事件但没有 onFetchSuccess 事件。如何知道数据加载成功?


1 回答 1


I know this is late, but I'm posting it anyway in case anyone has the same issue. I took a look through DataSeries.js and they have an undocumented hook they are using. I can't promise you this will stay the same throughout api updates, it looks something like:

dojo.connect(dataSeries, "_onFetchComplete", myObj, "myFunction");

See http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/dojo/connect.html

于 2011-08-09T21:04:45.270 回答