我正在尝试用字符串内的缩短 URL 替换 URL:
public void shortenMessage()
String body = composeEditText.getText().toString();
String shortenedBody = new String();
String [] tokens = body.split("\\s");
// Attempt to convert each item into an URL.
for( String token : tokens )
Url url = as("mycompany", "someapikey").call(shorten(token));
Log.d("SHORTENED", token + " was shortened!");
shortenedBody = body.replace(token, url.getShortUrl());
catch(BitlyException e)
//Log.d("BitlyException", token + " could not be shortened!");
// url.getShortUrl() -> http://bit.ly/fB05
缩短链接后,我想在 EditText 中打印修改后的字符串。我的 EditText 没有正确显示我的消息。
"I like www.google.com" should be "I like [some shortened url]" after my code executes.