我正在尝试在我的系统上设置 Apache Atlas。我遇到以下错误
[INFO] >>> findbugs-maven-plugin:3.0.1:check (findbugs-check) > :findbugs @ apache-atlas >>>
[INFO] --- findbugs-maven-plugin:3.0.1:findbugs (findbugs) @ apache-atlas ---
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass$3$1 (file:/Users/r0r017e/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/groovy/groovy-all/2.4.0/groovy-all-2.4.0.jar) to method java.lang.Object.finalize()
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass$3$1
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] Apache Atlas Server Build Tools 1.0 ................ SUCCESS [ 0.632 s]
[INFO] apache-atlas 1.1.0 ................................. FAILURE [ 3.341 s]
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:findbugs-maven-plugin:3.0.1:findbugs (findbugs) on project apache-atlas: Unable to parse configuration of mojo org.codehaus.mojo:findbugs-maven-plugin:3.0.1:findbugs for parameter pluginArtifacts: Cannot assign configuration entry 'pluginArtifacts' with value '${plugin.artifacts}' of type java.util.Collections.UnmodifiableRandomAccessList to property of type java.util.ArrayList -> [Help 1]
我需要通过 Cassandra 设置 Apache Atlas 作为后端存储。我是数据治理和开源解决方案的新手,任何帮助将不胜感激!