有没有办法将 ddply/sapply 中的变量值直接传递给没有函数 (x) 表示法的函数?
例如代替: ddply(bu,.(trial), function (x) print(x$tangle) )
有没有办法: ddply(bu,.(trial), print(tangle) )
> library(gsubfn)
> # instead of specifying function(x) mean(x) / sd(x)
> fn$sapply(iris[-5], ~ mean(x) / sd(x))
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
7.056602 7.014384 2.128819 1.573438
> library(plyr)
> # instead of specifying function(x) colMeans(x[-5]) / sd(x[-5])
> fn$ddply(iris, .(Species), ~ colMeans(x[-5]) / sd(x[-5]))
Species Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
1 setosa 14.20183 9.043319 8.418556 2.334285
2 versicolor 11.50006 8.827326 9.065547 6.705345
3 virginica 10.36045 9.221802 10.059890 7.376660
只需在 **ply 命令中添加您的函数参数。例如:
ddply(my_data, c("var1","var2"), my_function, param1=something, param2=something)
my_function 通常看起来像
my_function(x, param1, param2)
my_data = data.frame(
city=sample(1:4, n, T),
gender=sample(1:2, n, T),
income=sample(50:200, n, T)
my_function = function(data_in, dv, extra=F){
dv = data_in[,dv]
output = data.frame(mean=mean(dv), sd=sd(dv))
if(extra) output = cbind(output, data.frame(n=length(dv), se=sd(dv)/sqrt(length(dv)) ) )
#with params
ddply(my_data, c("city", "gender"), my_function, dv="income", extra=T)
city gender mean sd n se
1 1 1 127.1158 44.64347 95 4.580324
2 1 2 125.0154 44.83492 130 3.932283
3 2 1 130.3178 41.00359 107 3.963967
4 2 2 128.1608 43.33454 143 3.623816
5 3 1 121.1419 45.02290 148 3.700859
6 3 2 120.1220 45.01031 123 4.058443
7 4 1 126.6769 38.33233 130 3.361968
8 4 2 125.6129 44.46168 124 3.992777
#without params
ddply(my_data, c("city", "gender"), my_function, dv="income", extra=F)
city gender mean sd
1 1 1 127.1158 44.64347
2 1 2 125.0154 44.83492
3 2 1 130.3178 41.00359
4 2 2 128.1608 43.33454
5 3 1 121.1419 45.02290
6 3 2 120.1220 45.01031
7 4 1 126.6769 38.33233
8 4 2 125.6129 44.46168