我是新来的感觉网。在为特定内容设置权限 ui 的 sensenet 中,我们有多个与版本控制相关的条目:Open而且Open minor我不明白它们之间的区别,因为它们与相同的操作相关。我希望有人能看到除草稿之外的所有次要版本。




2 回答 2



Open minor权限表示是否允许用户打开内容的次要版本并查看相应的字段数据


于 2017-12-13T14:30:49.487 回答



1-Set approval on a document library to true.
2-Upload a document - it's state will be pending for approval (you can check it out on versions tab): only users with open minor permissions will be able to see it.
3-Send it to approval using the approval workflow. If the approver rejects it, it still not be visible for the public - or users that have no open minor permissions. If the approver approves it, it will be visible for the public.
4-Edit the document and make some modifications. It's state will be pending for approval once again. Users with no open minor permissions are able to see the document but not the latest modifications: that is they see the last public version, and not the one that is pending for approval.
5-Send the document for approval. If the approver rejects it: users without open minor permission will still not be able to view the modifications that have been rejected: only the last public version. If the approver approves the document: users without open minor permissions will finally be able to see the modifications as well, because at the moment of approval the last (yet pending) version became the last public version.

参考:http ://wiki.sensenet.com/Versioning_and_approval

于 2017-12-16T09:23:11.947 回答