我正在使用 Univocity 解析器阅读 CSV 列表 - https://www.univocity.com/pages/parsers-tutorial。下面是 test.csv 的样子
Active;3189;Active on this date 2015-03-15-
Catalog;3189;This is for date 2015-04-21-
Master;3190;It happens on this date 2016-04-22-
InActive;3190;Inactive on this date 2016-04-23-
下面的代码做一个解析 -
List<String[]> allRows = parser.parseAll(new FileReader("E:/test.csv"));
对于 3189 条记录 - 字符串 x =Active on this date 2016-03-15- and This is for date 2015-04-21-
对于 3190 条记录字符串 x =It happens on this date 2016-04-22- and Inactive on this date 2016-04-23-